Dear Izzy,
It took me about a year on the board to face (in my heart) that my M is an NPD. Now, I have NC.
I don't really know how N or "ISH" my H is. I really don't . Just when I think that he is too N to change, he pulls a 180 on me and "gets" s/thing that an N would not "get"(it seems). He is not NPD like my M. So, with my H, I am still "too sick" to see him clearly.I am too "entangled" with him( and in my own mind) to really see the truth. My H throws massive guilt on me to make me feel badly for any real emotions that I have.My H really wants me to go back to the "abused" person that I was( I think) However, as I change , maybe he can. I really don't know at all what will happen.
Can he change to become a true friend who would not knife me? I don't know. I doubt it.However, as I change,I guess my H will either get better or stay the same. At some point,I should be clear enough inside my own head to know what to do.
When I almost hooked up with a sociopath,it showed me just how sick my "picker " was. That was a wake up call for me to heal my own mind.
My S turned around on the 'disrespectful " thing. He was prodded by my H to disrespect me, but he couldn't do it for too long b/c he missed me.We have always been close and he missed spending time together ..
AS I write this, what hits me is that I am in a lot of denial about my H (mucho). However,I am not ready to make any decision b/c my own head is just too fuzzy.
So, I really cannot see clearly WHAT my H is. Love Ami