Righty -0 Lighter---I am on it! Those are some very good questions, some we have addressed and some that definitely need to be!
Today is court, he begged for more time, after his attorney handed my attorney a last minute statement from him full of lies I now have to dispute. So more time is what we need now too! I have to go back again in a week. Good news is, he brought his lawyer this time, and they were there to hear the judge say ----PO IN EFFECT---NO STIPULATIONS!!! Loud and clear! So he can't run around claiming he does not understand anymore. Like I said he is claiming he will sue me for being wrongfully jailed. We have transcripts of the actual proceedings for proof of what was said not just the docket which he is "snowing" people with on their way so it will prove he has hearing problems and is deluded very soon. My lawyer seems to really know what he is doing---and the best part is, I can reach him on the weekend, which is when my NH likes to pull all his sheenanigans.
He brought his N mother along and she embarrassed herselfout in the foyer putting on a big drama queen show of crying---lips quivering, big sniffels, ridiculous stuff. She wrote a bogus statement for the court too. Full of lies. And was upset and confused as to WHY, oh WHY I would not allow her son to see the kids still???? Good grief, like I am gonna send them to the likes of YOU TWO if I can help it. Especially now! But she began calling me vindictive and some other thing to my lawyer and he had to force my NH to sign the new order or he would have to get the police to make him. he didn't want to see any more guys with badges and guns, so he signed it. I didn't say a word to them, either of them, although I wanted to let some loose on her this time, I bit my lip.
Meanwhile, I am still fending off the hard money lenders coming to the house looking for my husband since he has stopped answering his phone and emails to people and has not done any work since I left. I give them the address he is currently at, tell them what a lying scumbag narcissistic abuser he is, tell them to call me and I will help them in any way I can with info to go after him.
And still try to keep my kids on time for school, grades up, and emotionally stable, enough sleep, while I let them finally be kids in the house too. And communicate with everyone to keep them posted, apply for grants, get groceries while worrying my car will be reposessed since my H says he won't pay for it and it was already behind.............. BUT you know what??? Everything is going very well in their own little way. I am holding together somehow, and the kids are too.
NH had better be quiet now! He had his attorney to listen for him and tell him what he can and cannot do for once. Oh, and the idiot wore his $1500 dollar suit to court while he is withholding food money from his children!

My blouse was a cute on I found on clearance for $1.50!!! And in his statement trying to refute my claims, he admits everything but tries to blame me, including the gun episode! My lawyer could not be more thrilled!
And mudpuppy! Always a pleasure! Had to look up guano------NOW I am laughing!