This is my first attempt to discuss my tremendous grief on an internet website. I have read manyof the replies and issues in this forum and am impressed with the research based discussions. I have recently decided my husband of 7years is suffering from NPD,after much research.
Basically, I lost my beloved Sister 1 year ago today and after that, my husband went totally off the deep end in his treatment of me. The prior 7 years, I can now honestly say, he was tremendously emotionally abusive., Although there was some physical abuse as well, I never had any huge signs of it. Therefore, I'm starting to piece together how I was losing myself in this marriage, how no one would believe me if I told them I was abused, how often I didn't believe it myself. After my sister died, a once cyclically mean husband (with periods of goodness) completely turned into a monster. (I know that's not a veryb nice description but it is how it seems to me) I'm try8ng to figure out what happened tohim to really set him off the deep end. Does anyone have any advice.
Basically , he has finally left the house but I have 2 boys and must interact with him almost daily. It is horrible, as he is completely indifferent to me . to the discipline I set forth with my boys--the whole deal. I am getting stronger and have some close spiritual women who have been very supportive, after I finally opened up and shared my secret with a select few. I have tremendous grief over the loss of my family dream, but truly believe I could not go on living in the hell. I'm open to any helpful comments from anyone. thanks