Dear Amber,
.I feel very slow at the moment..However,I know that I am making big changes. We are having another party here on Saturday and I am not even nervous.That must be progress.
I don't want a quick fix.I want true, deep healing.
You said s/thing really interesting ,Amber.Your M wanted you to put on a 'different face" in order for you were to be allowed "out". The Role was your different face( as I see it) I could be wrong,of course..
The Role was your adaptation to your horrible surroundings. The Role was a way to "placate " your M so that she would be as "harmless' as possible .It was a neutralizing of your M .It was an adaptation--like they talk about in "evolution".
It was a life survival mechanism.
I don't do Tai Chi so I look at the Role as lies. So many lies,but they are ALL lies. They do come off slowly. . I "ate" so many of them( age 14 on) that it simply takes time to see them and then to let them go.
It is not as simple as "Just do Affirmations"(IMO)
For me, I ate so many ,many lies that at some point I could not "pull" them off anymore. The mask was stuck on me.
There is a Twilight Zone episode where the people go to a masked ball. At the end of the night, they could not pull off the masks. My cop b/f loved that Twilight Zone. He didn't put a mask(lies) on like I did. He used to say,"I NEVER lie to myself. Other people ,maybe....'
Compost what does not fit. Ami