I wouldn't have believed that I could respect you any more, but I do... When I think about you, I see a wise and lovely being who by dint of sheer character has made a special life for herself. No excuses, only realities with which to work. When I catch myself slipping or getting weak, I think of you and carry on, laughing at my mistakes or circumstances, thinking about you wrapping your clothes around yourself and continuing on to the drugstore, etc!!!!
You have had such profound experiences and much to reflect upon, distilling the essences of life experience and meaning. You have been through the fire and come through with many of the impurities removed. I know this must have been, and remains, extremely difficult (((((Izzy))))). Thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences- you are my hero, Izzy! And you make me laugh and see the beauty in life when I might be prone to worry or otherwise miss the precious opportunities that I have.
I hope that things get better and better for you. I wish that I could help more, but am sending my love and concern and the hope that you get some peace and rejuvenation and fun!!!