Hi Lighter-
The first time that NH Bagworm was supposed to pick up his things amicably, he brought police, gave them a false story, and picked up guns that his psychiatrist had ordered kept from him. This was, to say the least, traumatic as the cops were acting strangely and threatened to arrest or shoot me! Investigators began prowling about the property, calling through the fence for the Bagworm, etc. at different hours of the day and night. Then his Moron Lawyer climbed my locked fence and screamed, violently banged on my door and windows, and tried to force my door open, in order to serve me with a summons for a bogus hearing and divorce. (Had I known that he was serving divorce papers I would have welcomed him and served tea and crumpets! However, he just screamed threats and tried to open my door)
These events cost me in time, money, and health that I could ill afford, and strained my ability to do my work in law school. After Bagworm and Moron were admonished on the day of the bogus emergency support hearing occasioned by false court filings, they stipulated that there would be no more of these incidents , and that a list would be given to my attorney of items to be picked up, and a confirmation of the date, etc as well. The list would preclude any weirdness that just looking about for whatever he fancied to take (Moron Lawyer's idea of picking up items) could provoke.Two days later after having made agreements not to call, show up, write his stupid letters demanding things, etc., the Bagworm showed up and tried to force me to sign documents giving up my rights to a car, etc New legal documents were drafted.
Then last Thursday, Bagworm and Moron were supposed to submit a list and confirm an appointment set for that night for Bagworm to get his things. No word came. Then unexpectedly, Bagworm came on Friday as I was leaving for a meeting with my lawyer. He left without incident, due at least in part to the presence of witnesses.
I dare not leave the gate open with his things there- he could allege that I disposed of them or some such thing, as is his pattern so far. I don't feel good about him just coming by either, ever since the bogus police incident. I have to act in accordance with the requirements for his coming here if I am to protect the legal boundaries that are there, or receive new and better ones. He has been violent and threatened to kill me in the past and now he has guns- not a good combo. I do not want to write about some of the other items, as there are issues that may place me in jeopardy.
I will be getting recompense for the savings drained, but in the end, the costs in the interim may outweigh any court attempt at equalization. Also, Bagworm is apparently not paying his bills and I am afraid that I may be stuck with them.
It seems that Bagworm is intent upon violating agreements and using underhanded means to get his way and avoid all responsibility. He has been violent in the past and I did not report him, as he planned to have me arrested as well by lying and saying that I hit him also. After he left I tried to be civil and deal with him normally. This turned out to be a bad idea. I must keep whatever barriers I have intact, document everything, and not give the court any reason to doubt my sincerity in the matter, as the negotiations are going to get more intense and the stakes higher. BLEEH!
Anyway, I just have to keep on keeping on for a while longer, and I am making progress- in March I will be free of Bagworm and I won't look back!