Dear (((( Lise ))))
My heart goes out to with true genuine experiential empathy.
You have been brave enough to share, quite openly, of your mother's evil behaviour.
To be honest, I don't feel comfortable about sharing it at this present moment in time. Though I have shared previously to a certain extent. Maybe, I just don't need to rehash it. That's a positive statement for my present position, in my journey.
In any case, someone affirmed that my mother had evidenced psychopathic tendencies in her life long behaviour. Another has said psychotic.
What has been done unto you, has been done unto me also. While my heart has no desire to label my mother, or indeed anyone, however. her history of behaviour is the deciding factor. Bad enough having to say that my mother is N, to place a P alongside, is quite something else!
Truth is, that there are many others out there, who likewise, suffer at the hands of a mother such as ours, hearts crying out in the wilderness of despair.
Have you ever read "A Child Called It?" His mother was evil. His father did nothing. My heart wept of all his mother had done.
They have no conscience. They are empty. Truth is, they are empty vessels filled only with contempt and envy for what they lack, as they see in others, what they lack --- they are then driven to destroy.
Reality, it's true, and we cannot hide from what is true.
(((( Lise)))) the light at the end of the tunnel is that you are now walking on the road to healing. Truly, you will heal, and you will have a new life of new beginnings, it's your journey, be at peace, for the journey belongs to you, as does the time-line.
Just keep sharing as you feel led.
Prayers for you along the way.
Much Love & Hugs to you,
Edit: Your mother, like mine, knew that no-one would believe her word against that of her child (mine is a classic Saint NP) both knew exactly what they were doing, both are very very clever, sadly, they chose not to put their cleverness to better use; for the good of others.
All very much 'behind closed doors' despite the outward signs of social status, affluence and respectability. So clever, that no-one can see what truly goes on. Any of it. All of it. Or maybe, they choose not to?! Turn a blind eye as a silent witness??