Hi Tay,
Sorry in advance for the typos - smashed my fingers pretty badly, so I am having trouble typing.
Just wanted to say that i am so, so glad to hear that yuo are doing so well.
Frankly - that card would have irritated me too. Not because of the card so much, but because of the recent history behind your relationship (not seeing her as often). Had she simply wanted to send a card without potentially making M feel bad (my kids would have felt bad because she was feeling bad about missing them), she could have sent a card saying thinking of you and sending you lots of love. It is the same old same old IMO - the subtle manipulations.
Your T might not realize it because htat is how they work (and why they get away with it most of the time - it is the little drops of acid over time - well in your case, have to say there have bee some huge buckets of acid as well!!
In any case, I hope you have a wonderful holiday with your brother and his family. I lam hopeful that your parents don't show up, but wouldn't be surprised if they did. I understand wanting to spend the holidays with family - have been feeling a little down that I don't have my FOO to celebrate with (wishful thinking on my part - I remind myself it would be a nightmare anyway).
I do like your idea that if they show up, and she starts up, simply draw your line in the sand once, and if she crosses it again. Leave. If it happens, don't allow yourself to feel badly about it, rather tell yourself you tried, she cannot change, and let it go. I am a little worried that it may be too soon to see her - you have made so many positive changes recently. I am worried that this might tip the scales back a bit. But you know, you have alread worked through so much, I have no doubt you can handle this as well.
I am really glad to hear you doing so well!
On edit: Forgot to mention I hope you feel better - sending you some homemade, chunky chicken cyber-soup.