I got this from Lighter:
When the pain of staying is greater than the pain of leaving you will be ready to leave.
If you think that your children are going to be thankful to you because you stayed you are mistaken.
Are you afraid to comfront the world on your own? Do you alwyas have to have a bigger dog by your side?
I am sorry if I am making you feel bad. Those are my thoughts. I needed to get it out of my chest. I know that I am nobody to tell you when I have been abused all my life, begging for love, clinging to people, feeling rejected, thinking why my friend frowned, why did he move his finger, is he or she feeling uncomfrotable because of me, nobody likes me, and that is true, nobody likes me for X or Y or my personality and negativity like observer was saying, nobody likes me.
So, who am I to tell you that your children are going to resent you in the future becasue you did nit stand up for your self.
I submited my son to six years of abuse, my ex was abusive to him and I was there, I regreted not to leave early, but I was not ready, I have to be very very very badly mistreated to leave, dont have boundaries, did not know thwy existed. My son cried so much when we fought, and since my society said that children are better with father, rather than with out father, I was so wrong.
do not subject your children to the same i did with my son. Good that I left after six years, but he suffered for six years when he did not have to suffer at all.
OK I have the need to insult my self so I feel that I can tell you my thoughts. See? I am so f**ed up that I am afraid that you are going to get mad at me if I tell you what I think so I first have to say something bad about me.
YOu have a masters degree you can teach in a college you can apy your bills, you can make good moeny. You can be your own big dog.
Look who is talking.