Hi Ami,
I care too.
I wasn't going to voice this, but since some others have expressed how they were concerned too, I will. Maybe it will be helpful in some way. I'm not afraid of your strong feelings, I realize that's not where my occasional resistance to them comes from. (Your feelings belong to you, nobody else.)
But I wondered, as I absorbed this thread and felt and thought and took it all in...I had a moment where I wanted to ask you, very simply and not as any kind of slam,
When you are in this depth and it's so intense you can't believe how much you hate yourself or how sad you feel, is there some way in which you are in love with the pain? I mean, savoring the levels of pain the way a person might savor some particularly amazing food? Are you almost ... loving the pain?
(I'm trying to say, is it possible that in your process you take it a step beyond healthy permission to feel and acceptance and "sitting with" the most toxic and painful emotions imaginable...to loving that pain, like you would love a lover?) Are you maybe feeling that the worst pain is your best friend? Do you yearn for more pain when you haven't been feeling any for a little while?
If any of that makes sense, good. If not, compost...