My dad did the same thing. Just as the kids started to get into the church thing, he dropped out - but made us all go with our mom, then yelled when we weren't home in time to make his lousy lunch for him because he was too lazy to get off the frickin chair and make himself a sandwich! He said we wanted to starve him by not coming home when he thought we should. So my mom's escape was church, but when one of us started to act a little 'religious', she belittled us saying we were acting stupid and didn't really have 'religion' in us. She never felt we come achieve the level her 'god' expected. She knew what 'he' wanted and we weren't good enough. She thought everyone else there was good enough to be 'saved', but if her dear child claimed to be - she rebuked them. Then she'd tell the dad, and he would make the kids sit in the living room while he played endless tapes from religious leaders (now fallen religious zealots) and told us we had better listen good and change our ways.
Which way is the right way? Oh, not 'god's' way which is spelled out in the bible, but mom and dad's way - the one that keeps changing every hour - just to keep you on your toes so you can never get in RIGHT!!!!!
Now both parents are in church, but they go to different ones - dad is too good to go to the church the mom goes to.
And because I dropped out 3 years ago - FINALLY - I am going to hates

in their minds.
I will probably go for this one - but if heaven is where my N parents are spending their eternity - there had better be more than one heaven - cause I sure do not want to spend my eternity with them!!!!!