Dear (((( Jan ))))
I know how that feels as my sister smirked when she told me that I would lose my beloved neice, her daughter, whom I had treated as my own daughter for years.
In what i perceived to be in the best interests of my neice, I had to let her go. But it hurt so much and still I miss her so. I must have gone through a grieving process afterward, that's the only way that I can describe it.
One day, it is my hope, that when my neice is of an age of maturity and reaches an understanding of the truth and knowledge that I did not turn away from her -- that she will seek me out (and that is a possibility) where I will be with open arms stretched out wide.
Fortunately, there is some mileage in distance between us, whereas, your situation is so close to home and that must hurt so much more.
How do you let your neice know that you are there for her?
So difficult to come up with an answer, because your neice is but a child, who is after all having to live with her mother, and with all honesty, I can't seem to come up with an answer that would be the best thing for the child, your neice.
My hearts cry is for all children who are made to suffer so much in varying forms at the behest of any N or other type person.
With my sincerest empathy,
Love, Leah