Author Topic: My neice/ daughter of my n sister  (Read 1848 times)


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My neice/ daughter of my n sister
« on: December 05, 2007, 10:48:20 AM »
Despite the fact that me and my n sister are detached right now, I still somehow want to be available to my niece to help her through this difficult time.  I love her like she were my own daughter (she's 12) and always have.  Instead of being thrilled that I loved her daughter, of course my n sister was always threatened by it.  She showed her jealousy over and over in little ways...  By never allowing her daughter to spend the night at my house.  By not allowing her daughter to come to my house and swim with me and my son in the summer months.... She would tell her that she had her own pool in her own yard and to swim there..  She would always have something else going on if me and my son would call for her and see if she wanted to come to our house and play etc.... You get the picture..  Now that I've more or less outed her as being the hateful n that she is..... naturally we are not talking or communicating in any way...  Once in a while when she is in a rage she will call me and started a n rant and scream at me about things that are not going her way in her life, even though I don't have anything at all to do with it....  Since our latest big episode my niece is not allowed to even talk to me.  Of course I wasn't invited to my nieces birthday party this year... (first one I missed in 12 years) I don't even get to see her on holidays, because my n sister doesn't come around my parents much either..... (it's her way of punishing them too, by keeping their one and only grand daughter away from them as often as she can....)
She has blocked my e/m's from her computer and my niece's computer.. So I guess I'm stuck.... 
I would love to somehow support her and let her know that I am still here for her,  but how??



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Re: My neice/ daughter of my n sister
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2007, 01:08:47 PM »
Dear (((( Jan ))))

I know how that feels as my sister smirked when she told me that I would lose my beloved neice, her daughter, whom I had treated as my own daughter for years. 

In what i perceived to be in the best interests of my neice, I had to let her go.  But it hurt so much and still I miss her so.  I must have gone through a grieving process afterward, that's the only way that I can describe it.

One day, it is my hope, that when my neice is of an age of maturity and reaches an understanding of the truth and knowledge that I did not turn away from her -- that she will seek me out (and that is a possibility) where I will be with open arms stretched out wide.

Fortunately, there is some mileage in distance between us, whereas, your situation is so close to home and that must hurt so much more.

How do you let your neice know that you are there for her?

So difficult to come up with an answer, because your neice is but a child, who is after all having to live with her mother, and with all honesty, I can't seem to come up with an answer that would be the best thing for the child, your neice.

My hearts cry is for all children who are made to suffer so much in varying forms at the behest of any N or other type person.

With my sincerest empathy,

Love, Leah

Jun 2006 voiceless seeking

April 2008 - "The Gaslight Effect" How to Spot & Survive by Dr. Robin Stern - freedom of understanding!

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Re: My neice/ daughter of my n sister
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2007, 01:43:31 PM »
Jan and Leah love and hugs to you both. I hear your pain and I'm sorry.

Leah you are so special. oxox seasons

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Maya Angelou


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Re: My neice/ daughter of my n sister
« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2007, 02:04:14 PM »
Ditto what Seasons said (you say it so purely Seasons).

Jan, maybe.......can you pop by your neice's school some time and walk her to the bus or home or something?  Or even hand her a note?



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Re: My neice/ daughter of my n sister
« Reply #4 on: December 05, 2007, 02:11:39 PM »
My mother and father are "allowed" to do my n sister the honor of getting my niece ready for school each morning and get her to the bustop or take her to school.  (only reason for this is because she goes to work very early and "needs" someone to do it for her. 
I take my son to school each morning, and every chance I get I take my niece too.  This way my son (and me) get to see her for at least 15 min in the am. I know those 15 min mean the world to my son..... Apparently she has gone home and told her mother that
I take her to school sometimes and I guess she didn't say much...(how could she, she doesn't have anyone else to do her this honor)
I try to act as normal around her as I can..  (and not heartbroken)  and I try not to bring up the situation with her mother...I know it upsets her.  I can tell that she actually fears her own mother...  That breaks my heart....
I guess I'm doing all that I can... Unless someone can think of something else....