Author Topic: Dear Changing  (Read 6946 times)


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Re: Dear Changing
« Reply #30 on: November 26, 2007, 05:54:19 PM »
Those are lovely leggliphics, Izz.

Be kind and extra cautious when you step out...

Do you HAVE to go out in snow tomorrow?

Carefulllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll !

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Dear Changing
« Reply #31 on: November 26, 2007, 06:26:44 PM »
hi Hops

Thanks, and
My boss just called with things to bring, so I think I will not have make the Office trip on Wed. (if it snows) but I need some groceries---now what I need is like natchos, salsa,---uhhhhhhhhhh-- i guess the trip can wait--

Usually when  it snows here, the sun comes out the next day and all is melted by noon.

It is so much better for me than back in Ontario where I had to jump 6' snowbanks for 6 months.

--just a little jumpy after the cast came off.



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Re: Dear Changing
« Reply #32 on: November 26, 2007, 08:48:32 PM »
Hi Izzy,

So glad to know that you don't have to battle with the 'snow' elements tomorrow.

Bet you feel so much lighter with that cast off  :)

Legs look most handsome dear Izzy!

Take gentle care.

Love, Leah

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Re: Dear Changing
« Reply #33 on: November 26, 2007, 09:14:16 PM »
You know when I posted my story, I realized how sad it sounded. Don't get me wrong I didn't have the best childhood, but it certainly was better than alot I have heard of. My father never raised a hand to us or his voice, he was just not emotionally available. I have to take in to consideration that he was raised that way and he was raising four children on his own. My oldest brother was not my father's biological son and later in life I found out my younger brother wasn't either, but he still doesn't know. We were a weird group, but with my father being in the service I traveled all over the world and met some pretty fantastic people.I often wonder if I could have done it, don't think so.

I use to have dreams that my mother tried to come explain things to me at night, but I would wake up screaming. I quit having the dreams in my early twenties when I finally realized she wasn't a bad person, just confused like all of us. Once I let go of my anger she never returned (if in fact she had been there).


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Re: Dear Changing
« Reply #34 on: November 26, 2007, 11:00:37 PM »
Izzy..... gotta be careful with those pegs from now on.


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Re: Dear Changing
« Reply #35 on: November 27, 2007, 01:11:03 AM »
Mizzy Izzy-

What Lighter said- watch those Jiffs and Jaypegs!!!I'm glad to see the cast off (castoff) Dear. I have assorted "Frankenboots" with Velcro as well as sandals for those times when a shoe won't go on- I don't know what to do about snow- Are there snow boots that wrap? Hope your bone mass in the leg and foot is still good- mine looked like faint shadows on the first films after the final cast was off ( about a year). Greens are a good source of easily assimilated bone building nutrients, so eat some if you can my sweet. Then you will be "Strong as Bull" in the bone department. ( No leaching chemical intake for a while- no coffee, soda, etc) Of course, when the doctor approves , the weight bearing will also get the bone mass back on track ( loss of bone mass is supposed to be one of the deleterious effects of space travel/weightlessness)

I wish that I could bring you some homemade salsa and chips- better than commercial, and maybe some guacamole, I do have a tasty recipe. Maybe some of your cute guy friends will pop by with some of you favorite snacks  and watch football or hockey with you! How is Dave, by the way?

Thank you for agreeing to teach me about the "Snazzy pictures". I have a built-in camera in my laptop as well as a microphone, perhaps I may even put them to good use one day! That will be after I have completely mastered the felony murder rule and all aspects of homicide, as well as torts and the battle of the forms of contracts! Please take special care of that newly unwrapped leg!

Love From A Snowless Part of America,



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Re: Dear Changing
« Reply #36 on: November 27, 2007, 09:12:25 AM »

I am sorry for the misunderstanding about the journal.


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Re: Dear Changing
« Reply #37 on: November 27, 2007, 02:38:37 PM »
Hi changing,
Thank you for caring.
Snowboots. The first winter out of the hospital, I found a pair of 'kneehigh' boots that had 2 zippers on each, on each side. I could set my foot into the boot, no problem and zip my legs in. They were totally flat-heeled and lasted me a long long time. Soft black 'leather' that would not damage my tender skin.

Finally they gave out andthat was when there was nothing but high-heeled boots. Heels! No way I'd break an ankle.

Finally I found a pair of flat heeled tan 'suede kneehighs' that I could get my foot into, that laced up the front like native foorwear.  They were very satisfactory and I wore them for years then the lacings broke. I searched but couldn't find replacements, but they also looked good turning the top down to show a band of 'fur lining'.

Well that covered 38 years as I am still wearing the tan ones! Ha  Cheap Date!     

I have to push fairly hard to get my feet in as I cannot wiggle my ankles and I think that hard push would be too much for a leg I am not to bear weight on.

Dave is fine. He is so sweet to me and gave me a tube of creme for extra dry skin, Atrac-Tain. It is so thick that yesterday's application is still visible this morning, so I will wash it off and use less afterward--but I was covering up much dry skin that I didn't want falling all over my carpet.

now, my girl, study hard and do well. You will be some lawyer with your background!

Love Izzy

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Re: Dear Changing
« Reply #38 on: November 27, 2007, 06:12:45 PM »

I hope you find some new flat-footed double zip boots for times like these.- I will look too. Thank you for supporting my study! You are such a precious part of my life.




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Re: Dear Changing
« Reply #39 on: November 28, 2007, 09:09:09 AM »
Ummmmm, Izzy.

Who's Dave?


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Re: Dear Changing
« Reply #40 on: November 28, 2007, 10:57:12 AM »

Great catalog, I think you might find something.

Are you familiar with

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Dear Changing
« Reply #41 on: November 28, 2007, 11:49:13 AM »

Methinks minnetonka tall moccasins sound almost right, except I don't think they have zippers, but I do think a shoe repair place would add zippers without trouble.  Also, I had a friend who ordered a tall moccasins kit through the mail (pre-internet days) and made them herself.  They have normal colors too but these look fun!

Character, which has nothing to do with intellect or skill, can evolve only by increasing our capacity to love, and to become lovable. - Joan Grant


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Re: Dear Changing
« Reply #42 on: November 28, 2007, 12:13:53 PM »
Ooooh!  *drools*  I love the green pair.

THere are snow boots that wrap and have flat heels.  I found a pair last winter, and I almost bought them.  I decided I probably wouldn't wear them and finally passed.  I think I found them at Famous Footwear or Supermarket of Shoes or someplace like that.  If you have DSW warehouse near you they might have something.

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Re: Dear Changing
« Reply #43 on: November 28, 2007, 02:04:50 PM »
Did you forget about my male nurse in ambulatory care? That's my Dave.

Thanks Hops

OOOOOOOhh great Iphi
The foot style looks great-- no seams to prevent my foot from getting in. They are so snazzy. Changing is looking too.
Great to know that some are still out there

I thought I was going to be stuck with these

Love Izzy

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Re: Dear Changing
« Reply #44 on: November 28, 2007, 02:14:10 PM »
I'm so glad I didn't have a mouthful of coffee when I saw your post, Izzy, lol.  I would have had a nosefull of coffee had that been the case.

I'm still picturing you in those tall black CMFM boots.... wheeling around the supermarket.

And..... I forgot your ambul guy's name was DAVE.  For a minute there I thought he might have been the welldressed homeless guy.

Had to ask :shock: