I'm new to this board but feeling very accepted.
As I think about posting my story, I have the thought that for some reason it is for others but not quite me, yet. Takes me a while to warm up and let myself feel a part of things. And I can even cause myself stress by waiting and wanting but not acting on whatever I need to do.
I know this comes from such a harsh, critical set of parents who were in charge of everything and had such a tight control on our environment, throughts, actions, feelings, just everything. To the point that I did not allow myself to think for myself. I do now, but I sometimes have to get past a wall of some block or other, finally allowing myself to respond.
I want to tell my story because I tried for so long to the people who would not listen and still don't want any change to their miserable existence.
I got to the point that I had to be myself, "To thine own self be true." Thank God.
I have been isolated in a marriage while at the same time trying to live a "normal" life on the outside. Despair, lonliness, saddness, self-pity and sheer survival mode. I did not know how to get my emotional needs met and the more I tried the worse I felt. I was in so much guilt and shame that I could not let anyone into my world, except for minimal contact.
I raised 2 daughters while struggling with a n husband, controlling parents in much fear, dread, shame and isolation.
One daughter has really been torn apart from the anger and rage she witnessed in our home. When she was 13 she went to live with my parents who had taken control of her for their own purposes anyway. My n mother always wanted her from birth.
My nh was always abandoning my younger daughter and me. He still runs the streets and is a workaholic among many other things I cannot even imagine.
I don't know where he goes or what he does. I was tormented by trying to keep the home, family and marriage going. Always hoping and denying what was really happening. It was sad and horrible.
I still don't know where he goes or what he does and don't know if I ever will. When I think about it, it doesn't matter to me because gone is gone. Whatever he does when he is gone is his business. The pain of betrayal and abandonment was my deepest hurt.
Now my girls are grown. My parents are in their 80's and have shut me out of their lives.
I know the nh is in whatever disorder he has and I am past wanting him to change.
I am alone. My world is about me now. I am learning new ways to think and live. I am lonely sometimes and know that I am responsible to find what works for me.
Being real and being myself are fulfilling and make me happy. I don't need to be happy all the time, but I don't want to be in despair or isolation.
Sharing here and expressing these thoughts and feelings is very healing and part of practicing letting go and being myself.
I love reading everyone's stories and shared experiences and am amazed at the loving interchange between people.
I am letting myself love and be loved.
Thanks, BR