hi Hollis
I have four siblings, 3 sisters and 1 brother. Our parents were dysfunctional, as passed down from their parents, and were not good parents to us. They seemed to be the happiest when they had all 5 of us fighting.
So there was never a close relationship, from my viewpoint between any two of us. We all just left home and went our separate ways. Whenever there was a family get together, I was miserable inside. I wanted to talk seriously about our relationships, but that wasn't us. We reminisced about things that were very sad and hurtful and turned them into laughing matters, so everyone appeared to be having a good time.
Now we are all over 65. I moved 2000 miles away from them. One, the sister next oldest to me is an N, in my book, the eldest is a faux socialite. I am on this Board ('nuff said?) and the youngest sister and my brother, the youngest, went horseback riding in the Rockies for 5 days then came to see me for 2 days, Aug 4-5, this year. Hadn't seen them for 10-11 years.
We got on fine, and I talked about me, now post-N. They listened but I don't think they understood. I was 'nervous' that they were coming, took them on a tour, but it had to be MY tour, wheelchair, because I often wondered if any understood my limitations. They left and emailed back how they had enjoyed themselves, but what else could they do? <grin> but neither has asked about the mental mix-ups I have.
I treat them all as toxic people and it makes me feel better. At least I have the distance!
How far away does your sister live? Would you consider No Contact at all?
I do not contact my 2 older sisters., nor they me!
so I do not believe that blood is thicker than water---even though I still recognize us as family.
Just my little happy lament
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