Dear Lise,
YES! And to walk each day filled with the love of God and let it flow out and touch lives, thereby being a walking testimony of what the love of God can do in peoples lives while being a New Creation in Christ.
Otherwise, they may ask ... ?
God Bless You.
Many thanks,
Love, Leah
This sounds like something that my N saint therapist would say.
Ask what? Let's be direct here. Are they going to ask how could you be so human?
Dear Lise,
They would ask ? means questions
They would question ones walk in Christ, as if we are a bad witness for Christ, who would want to accept Christ, as there would be no witness of any difference to anyone else, who was not in Christ.
Like I questioned my parents going to church on a Sunday and then beating me after they got home, and in particular, when my Father punched me off the settee giving me a black eye, after Church, while the lunch was being prepared by mother.
Hence, I did not go to church for a long time, because of my parents bad witness.
Hope that helps explain what my heart truly meant.
Love, Leah
Ok, I see now. Please accept my apologies. I'm tempermentally age two today.
Interesting because though your parents were Christian and they were an incredibly poor role model (understatement) for you, as well as they hurt you deeply, you still became a Christian.
The power of Christ will overcome any barrier, you prove that.
I however will admit that I have spent most of my time being a hypocrite more than a real Christian in my life time. It brings me great peace to accept that fact and to swallow my pride that I have made way too many mistakes and poor choices and mostly all because of my N parents.
Here is the real Christian thing for me to do:
Forgive my parents and become the happy, healthy well adjusted most average Christian I can be, quietly putting a little love back in this world with random kindness. That is my goal. Sometimes I know that it is right there for me and sometimes I feel it to be far away.
((((LEAH)))) Sorry if I hurt you.