I dont know if anyone had time to watch Oprah today, well actually, let me put it this way. I DIDN'T have time, but I DID watch it, LOL, heehee. Ok, now that I told on myself, I will continue with what I wanted to share with yall.
Oprah had the dude that plays spiderman, can't think of his name, and if I heard it, I was probably crunching on my potato chips so loud I missed it anyway, lol. She had him on there and she also had every day heroes that had went way above and beyond to save or help someone. There was a mother on there who had gone on a trip with her husband and children. The kids ran ahead of the parents and jumped into their SUV. The SUV was parked on a decline and as the kids jumped in, it immediately began to roll down the hill towards a cliff's edge. The mother stated that she thought to herself, "I can not live if my children die." She responded very quickly and decided the only thing she could do to slow the vehicle down before it went off of the cliff was to throw herself in front of the moving vehicle in hopes of atleast slowing it down.
That is exactly what she did. She threw herself in front of that moving vehicle and as it ran over her entire body, it lost some of its momentum which slowed it down. This allowed for the grandpa to jump in and apply the emergency brake. They stated it was about 2 seconds from going over the cliff.
Because of doing this, the mother is parallyzed from the waist down. It broke her back in several places when the SUV rolled over her. She stated that she would rather be parallyzed from the waist down then to live without the children. She then stated that she can live with her legs not moving, she just knew she would be parallyzed with grief for the rest of her life if the kids would have died.
It hit me like a ton of bricks. I thought of this thread and I smiled and thought, now that is what Normal Mothering is and should be. I would die for my kids, obviously this woman thought on the same level as normal people do.
I have a feeling that N mothers would first glance down to see what shoes they had on, how far they had to run to help the brats who were to impatient to wait for her because they are selfish, who was she going to spank first or which one of the brats was she going to belittle because she had to exert her precious self and etc.
Huh, a woman who risk her life to save her children versus someone who has to out of their way to get the brats that were to selfish to wait. What a great comparison for this thread.
Sniff, Sniff. I did stop eating my chips during that part. LOL!! You would think I was a queen and was entitled to lounge around and eat bon bons if yall would have seen me today. You name it, I eat it as I did nothing but park on the sectional, lol, oh well, we all deserve those days.