My dad just takes no interest in anything or anyone other than my mom.
Hi Sunblue,
First, as I was reading your post I felt overwhelming compassion for you. Today has been a rough day for me and I can relate much to feeling ashamed for what the world perceives, or might perceive, as a weakness.
When you said above about your Dad must really hurt on some levels -- that feeling of being ignored? The pain can be so great I would not blame you if you needed or wanted to push it as far a way as possible.
Sometimes I think that the people with the most tender hearts are the ones who have needed to push their pain away the most.
I've heard the theory that depression is "anger inverted". I'm not yet sure if that is true. I do feel angry and resentful at the way I was treated by my Nparents, but my depression is very deep. I feel constant hopelessness, despair and overwhelming sadness.
-- I hear your pain and I acknowledge YOU and your deep hurt.
All of your feelings are OK - I suspect that you are pretty OK too.
We all need to hear words of love, spoken words that we are valued, that we are seen as special, that we are important to someone, that we mean something? We need to be affirmed that we are here.
If just reading this brings tears to your eyes it is because you never got these needs really met and that can bring you great depression and despair it sounds like you were ignored by your father and unacknowledged by your Nmom as well as abused in ways that are so subtle but feel so big. Where has the genuine love been in your life? You deserve to be loved.
For years I suffered from depression but I don't think I have suffered exactly what you are experiencing so I am going to be careful because I do not want to dismiss your type of depression. I'm only going to relate my experience but from a nonjudgmental and compassionate place.
Depression, for me, was my anger turned inward. However, my anger was so deeply shamed by my mom that it took years for me to get in touch with it. Then one day - kapoosh! There it was and I was angry and not happy but I also slipped out of depression and I have rarely experienced any depression days except a mild dose depression that usually precedes a bout of tears and a layer of deep pain.
They say that depression is only a symptom of a deeper underlining emotional problem. Usually anger and anger is for me a defense to feeling the hurt of so much betrayal from my own parents.
Depression can be a way that your body is trying to tell you something is not right.
If you want talk about your childhood and feelings, really talk about the pain in your heart I am all ears...I'll be here and others will too - we will hold your hand through the pain. I am a big promoter of tears. They release toxins and help you see reality better.
I have faced nothing but disappointment in my life -- I often wish I had the courage to end my situation. It is extraordinarily painful and lonely, this depression.
I hear your cry for help. I am here. It is OK to feel that way. I would say that you had it pretty rough. But imagine this, God lead you to this thread....perhaps because he loves you and made you.
I'm glad that you are here.