I wanted to do this for a while. Come up with some of the regular stuff my dad comes up with and the influence it has had on me. Thankfully I don't speak to him anymore but somehow the effect still lingers on so I decided to have a go at his selfish/insecure/codepedent lies he told to safeguard his own interests and try lead his life through me.
1. You are our only source of happiness
( would have heard it about once or twice a month.. thats about 600 times ? ) and he would be almost in tears by this stage.
yeah right. He expects me to take the exclusive responsibility of giving him his much needed suppy. He doesn't like to change brands
and note he wouldn't say 'you are MY only sourse of happiness' but 'you are 'OUR' He loves to hide behind his wife's back when it comes to asking for stuff.. coward !
2. Your wish is my wish..we will never impose anything on you
( would have heard it about..2400 times )
But he does just the opposite. He expects me to place his wish as mine ! And he doesnt want me to impose my wishes upon him ? and he almost succeeded.. I rarely asked him for anything.. I couldnt bring myself to it
and note.. he would say "your wish is MY wish' not 'OUR wish ". Meaning he doesnt want to include his wife when it comes to wishing.. he doesnt like me fulfilling my moms wishes
3. I have never lied or hurt anyone since I was 13.
( he has picked on it recently.. would have heard it 20 to 30 times )
He claims he had some sort of spiritual awakening when he was 13 and turned sainltly and gave up making mischieves and became very responsible, gave up on eating meat, turned vegetarian, reformed his father etc.
He ruined my normal growing up buy putting me through such moral high pressure. Coming to think of it it was me who was going through such self righteous controlled teenage life..
4. Everyone is jealous of us ( him and me ) don't let them get between us
( would have heard it ..300 times )
lol yes.. recently I have come to realise that most of his relatives whom he considered are jealous of him ( and me ) actually do pity us but are selfish and polite enough not to tell it point blank to his face.
5. 'There is a bad influence that is blurring your vision.. don't let it get on to you'
( 300 times) This comes on whenever he feels when my mom or anyone else shows interests in me. He feels threatened I guess.. he doesnt like people getting close to me. And I am still a loner
6. I will never say no to you.
( thousands of time )
It is me who is never able tosay no to him. I simply am unable to ignore him and his wishes..which apperently seems to be mine according to him.. ultimartely we both dont know what we want..
He seems to oscillate being full of himself to losing his entire guard to me and crying like a child begging for salvation through me, an act whichhe finds comfort doing in my presence alone I think whereas he puts on a vrave face to the rest of the world including his wife. Which is his true self ? A narcissist and a codependant.. or an inverteds narcissist ? I am still confused. I have applied for therapy with the NHS.. and after a month I got a confirmation letter.. but not the appointment date. Anyway I am letting off steam here and thanks in advance everyone for reading through it all