At times, I doubt that I'm intact at all. I feel a deep rage against her years after she's dead and rotting in the depths of you-know-where.
Hi Bones,
We have never really connected here on the board but I see your name a lot as well as I have tried to work through your story back in December. Today I read again as well as I read most of this thread.
I know that you are on to a conversation about your bronchitis - I hope you are feeling better?
First, you have my sympathy for all that you went through. As I was reading your story I kept thinking about the book
A Boy Named "It" Did you ever read that book? His case was considered one of the top 3 worst cases of child abuse in the state of California, ever. Your N mom sounded to me to be just about in the same company as his N mom was. The boy in the book, named Dave, turned out to be solid and good person. What amazes me is that you endured years of evil, ,hurt and abuse and yet you seem to me to be good and rational and I bet the only person who has ever really suffered from all that you went through has been you.
The part of the reason I write this is because I can relate, but only a Little bit, to the rageaholic mom part of your story. My mom was a rageaholic too. One of her favorite names to call me was "retard" or "little ungrateful brat."
The above stood out for me on this thread. I too have had to deal with deep rage and anger towards my mom. Anger is an emotion and that has to move or flow. If not properly expressed or experienced at the moment of injustice or hurt, the anger festers and turns into neurosis's such as depression or COD or other pathologies. I am writing this knowing full well just how aware you are of this stuff as well as how you most likely know way more than I do. Back to my point, I have had work through years of anger and bitterness in me. My main problem for years was depression. However, I was also an exercise junkie and a alcoholic so these were other coping defenses I used to keep my anger down.
When I finally gave up these coping mechanisms my anger came up in the form of overly critical thinking of others and passive aggressive sarcasm. In my quest for sanity and to grow in love for others. I had to face the anger in my heart. In facing it I have found freedom, peace and a more loving attitude towards others. Can you relate?
Would it be possible if you can share with me more about your own anger and how you have embraced it as well as how you have coped to overcome.
I hope that I have not written too much about myself here on your thread. If so, please tell me and I will move my post to my own thread.
Thank you for sharing your story. There were many questions that came to mind as I read. I hope to get to know you a bit better here.