Hi Guys,
Just wanted to check in. I have been very busy over the past weeks and have had little time to post or read. This week will be my first anniversary of dumping XN and so much has happened in that time. I would like to reflect on the year with you all and maybe give some encouragment to people on the board who have just left or are still involved with the Ns in their life.
Never in my wildest dreams did I think a year down the line I would have taken off half way round the world to India, moved house, gone back to school....... so many things. It has been difficult and I still feel the fall out. In that time I have gone to the depths of sadness and the highs of feeling alive - never once have I contemplated going back to the toxicity, and that is what I am most proud of. I have done a lot of growing up...........still plenty to do but moving along one step at a time.
I have learned many things, the main one being the importance of self care - still not great at it but it is what adults do. I find I have periods when I am very good at it and then find it so easy to abandon myself. My abandonment of myself mirrors my abandonment of me to Ns, the pattern of my life. I have developed awareness around this and find it very hard not to know when I am doing it now.
I still struggle with trust and feel like I do not trust anyone but am beginning to learn to trust myself and listen to the voice in me that knows what is good for me. This has meant that I have withdrawn into safe mode, which can mean spending a lot of time alone, but it does feel safe. CB has offered encourgement in reassuring me that a time will come when I will feel more able to engage with people in a more trusting way - when I do trust myself and I look forward to this time. I am beginning to have faith in many of my abilities and a picture of myself, who I really am, is emerging from the mist. I celebrate my shadow, which I have denied all my life. I am hoping this will mean that I do not need to be around Ns to hold this part of me any longer.
Thursday is my daughter's anniversary and I feel sad about her. It brings up a lot about Xn's daughter also and my loss of her. She has contacted me and wants us to be "friends" but I do not trust her and while I understand that she misses me do not feel safe enough to have clear boundaries around her. I feel so much that I am travelling through time rather than being the centre of something. I like this feeling, it reminds me of how big the universe is, how short our lives are and how powerful we are in our own lives. I am questioning my narratiave and want to reshape it. To do this means I leave my old story of victimhood behind me and move onto a strong place of survivor. With every fibre of my being I never want to be a victim again. My clarity around this surprises and delights me. It is the strongest voice I have ever possessed.
I miss the contact of the people I grew up with on this board and wanted to connect again with gratitude.
much love,