I am looking at how I can function as an individual within a social group. . I think that this is one of the big life lessons. How do you forge out your individuality ,but still give to others. My favorite quote expresses is ,If I am NOT for myself, who am I? If I am ONLY for myself WHAT am I?
I talked to my Aunt yesterday.People who had good parents would never have to fight so hard for a voice. My Aunt so effortlessly "lives in her skin'. She goes from selfishness to giving love to expressing feelings to laughing at herself. It is a symphony that works with ALL the instruments playing .
The depths that I have reached,she simply cannot understand. However,I have a depth of spirituality that she could not understand b/c she simply never needed it that much. In the end,I would take my path, especially now as I can see a faint glimpse of light(wholeness)ahead.
Being whole means owning all your selfishness and every other "id" feeling and then simply trying to act from a more "evolved" place. I got derailed b/c I thought that I was "bad" for simply HAVING Id feelings. That is what happened. My M wanted to destroy this primal level in me. She could not accept "humanness" as my Aunt can. My Aunt says, "Those feelings are just human, Ami , dear."
The simplicity of this statement astounds me. I described how I hated myself so much that I couldn't even eat b/c of these deep feelings. She says. That is silly, dear."
Well, it IS silly.It only makes sense in an N mother world where it WAS dangerous to nurture yourself. All the nurturance and self care HAD to go to the voracious N mother--like a Pac Man gobbling up your soul---not stopping .
HOW do you get back your life ,when you realize that it IS your life,after all?
I guess the old saying,"How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.
My precious voice has many dimensions. I have discovered a few . I like some of them. Now, I am using the part of it which is the willingness to stand alone. It never really happens b/c God always sends me unexpected blessings,but the lesson IS the willingness.
The next one is integrity. I need to ACT with integrity---feelings notwithstanding.
That is a lesson that I used to know,also.
Another one is my own power. I can give JUST SO much. Then,I simply must pull back. I can't give the last little bit b/c it is mine. My M stole it,but now I must pull it back .
New lessons seem to appear after you learn the last one. I should relax and trust the process. Thanks for listening Ami