Hola Lupita,
Remember that healing is a journey, it takes time, but that’s OK. Like they say: “Rome wasn’t built in a day”.
I think you are making progress and you yourself admit that you are making progress: You are identifying feelings and distortions: That is marvelous!! Can you feel good that you see yourself making progress? Can you celebrate your progress by telling yourself “Lupita, you’re making progress, you’re moving forward and that is wonderful!!”?
I’m sorry you feel depressed and tired. Have you considered finding a therapist who could help you? I know you tried a therapist who you didn’t like, but how about trying to find one you do like? I know you are concerned with the costs of therapy. Can you investigate to see if there is a program in your area for low cost therapy? How about calling some therapists and asking them if they can make suggestions?
The problems with Dr. U, other teachers, your son and mother, do you think that these are just the frustrations of life? That things are imperfect and frustrate us? Of course things could be better and we can make things better (improve our relationships, find a better job, etc), but some things take time to improve and some things we cannot improve and our happiness or wisdom lies in knowing the difference between the two.
I think one of my goals in healing is to learn to live with and tolerate my frustrations and disappointments and not let them drive me crazy or depress me. There’s a wonderful saying (I think it is Buddhist) that “Pain is Inevitable, but Suffering is Optional”. We know that life brings pain, but whether we SUFFER due to the pain is sometimes our choice. My therapist told me about her patients who are dying of cancer, yet they are happy for each day they are alive. That gave me a lot of perspective. This is related to what I meant when I said to you about thinking about your philosophy of life.
Lupita, can you look at the good things in your life and feel good that you are making progress, but also try to accept that there are disappointments? Can you feel that everyday is a new opportunity to learn new things and that every new thing you learn adds to your personal wisdom?
I think it’s also important for you to be kind to yourself. Don’t push yourself too hard. Rest if you are tired. I hope you will start to dance again because that is something you love to do. Can you think about things you love to do, that make you happy and do them? Take a walk? Play piano? Listen to music? Sing? What can you do right now to make yourself feel happier?
Con mucho amor.