He's going to look back at this Christmas with wonder and amazement.....
there's no stronger magic than involving a child in happy Holiday festivities.
Reminds me of a story... I;ll abbreviate.
Man goes through trunk in attic... finds his grown son's journal from when he was 10yo.
He also finds his own calendar/journal from that same period.
He looks up a day... there was a fishing trip. His cryptic notes indicate they didn't catch much, the trip wasn't a good one.
He then looks up the same day in his son's journal and finds this entry....
"dad and I went fishing...
it was the best day of my life."Sweet and I really do think there's magic involved in mindful attention to the moments we spend with our wee ones.
Glad to see you;ve found the Holiday spirit, Tay.
I put all my Halloween decorations away too