When I got derailed in my teens,I was learning an important lesson--crucial really. I was reading Evan Hunter books. He talks about evil in everyday life. I made a vow to myself to take care of myself--first. No matter who it was(M, F, friend),I would NOT give myself away. IF I am not for myself--who am I?..
I could not stick with this vow and see this as the reason I went down(in a word)
The Bible talks about not "opposing' yourself. That is the same thing.
Now, I am at the same crossroads ,learning the same lesson. I am happy to be learning it, quite frankly, even though it IS late.
The sad part of life on this earth is that you DO have to protect yourself, even from' friends" and family( as we know,all too well)
I think that "normal" people just "know" this or learn it,like I was starting to.
If you are NOT blocked ,you CAN learn life lessons. If you are blocked, they can't go in.
So, I am back at the pivotal lesson I left a long time ago. Can I walk away from it all(everyone--figuratively) FOR myself?IOW--can I be true to myself?
I guess that this IS the human dilemma. Being a social animal, man has to compromise for the good of the group(family, friendship etc),BUT still has to retain himself
This must be the point that ALL people come to IF they are to mature. I guess that it is simply a life lesson which I am ready to learn.