Hi Everyone:
I have been thinking and I want to once again express my wrong and sorrow for hurting anyone with a powerful statement of spirituality yesterday. It seems to have triggered peoples feelings around past spiritual abuse -- I hope that some healing and peace will come about from it.
My reaction was an over-reaction in the heat of the battle -- has anyone ever done that before?
Point is, that if I want this to be a safe place for me then I have to work to make it a safe place for others.
So when I am wrong -- I will admit it, promptly. I an HUMAN, therefore will I error.
I have already said in another post that I understand that strong religious themes can cause people to bristle with antagonism, I understand, that is how agnostic thinking works. I also said that I would walk the tightrope of consideration when speaking about God and my faith since this is mainly a board for those hurting and seeking healing from dealing or suffering from a peson or family member with NPD.
That being said - once again I offer my apologies. If I have to keep apologizing until others feel safe again, I will.
I'm here to grow and heal - I don't want to hurt people and I want to be a voice of compassion and understanding -- one day at least.