What exactly is Abuse ? The title of the thread that I started today has been most liberating and validating for me, personally.
Using this space on this Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Board as a woman of reasonable intelligence (sorry if that offends anyone)
May I be permitted to voice my deep disappointment that it is clearly evident that many threads and posts are decided upon the land circular land of PM where the court decides who is 'In' and who is 'Out' (thankfully, to date, no invitation has come my way)
Naively, once again in my life, I thought that others behaved as I did, as in sitting here studiously and carefully reading through the thread which contains the details and heart of a fellow human being in real life and taking care and consideration with the heart of the real life human being.
I do understand and acknowledge that time is sometimes a constraint.
During my time here as a member of this board I have had to endure attempted Sabotage of my Character with (dare I say) abusive Maltreatment and also have been falsely accused.
Today, Observer, has joined the board, on Lupita's thread, and has admirably posted her apology for my having been falsely accused of being Observer, to which I have gracefully responded with all sincerity.
But, as yet, no apology has been forthcoming from my accusers.
And still dismissive hurtful responses for wrongdoings, as exampled in the previous posting here on this thread.
Yesterday, I suffered deep hurt at the hand of someone I had respected who had jumped to the wrong conclusion about me due to evidently not read through a thread, only reading the last posts, and making an assumption. When this was pointed out I received a most cruel dismissive response, which hurt deeply and reminded me of my NM because she used those very words to me year in year out, and others have dismissed me with those shallow words too.
This board, just like any other board, has real live human beings attached to it, with real lives and real hearts, please remember, that jumping to wrongful conclusions (whether due to not having bothered to read through the thread postings or not) and / or wrongful assumptions, potentially kills hearts and souls in real life.
That's real life folks!
Cyberbullying is epidemic with suicidal casualties, sorry, but that is a fact of real life too. (remember the recent Megan post ?)
Furthermore, and finally, I would like to forgive those who have maltreated me, and have been so dismissive, but, how can I ? When they have already accused me of forgiving people too readily. So I feel a bit entrapped.
However, my voice is mine and it will always remain respectfully vocal with due care and consideration.
No one will ever take my new pair of shoes of my feet, which are going to make beautiful footprints along my new life journey.
Love, Leah