I considered making this post part of a new thread, but I decided to go ahead and reply here. I am considering leaving the forum. I just scrolled through the first two pages of posts. There are fourteen threads dedicated to the ongoing sniping, jabbing, back-biting, and general overtone of nastiness that has infused the board of late. Posts from those folks asking for advice and comfort are getting pushed off the main page and forgotten. At this point, I'm tempted to return to a different board that I still post and read from time to time. I'm not finding much comfort here. The only reason I haven't left yet is that I have a potentially stressful situation coming up in the next week, and I may need the board's support.
I have cultivated friendships here, and online or no, they are friendships. Despite what another poster said, I do believe friendships can be made online. I met my best friend through an online writer's forum. We emailed back and forth to one another for three years before meeting in person. I've told her absolutely everything, just like she's told me absolutely everything. I certainly think good, healthy friendships can come from an online situation, if we open ourselves to them.
It seems like we can't even have a discussion on any topic without it dissolving into general nastiness. Since the misunderstanding a few months ago when I took a hiatus from the board, I have been very careful about how I word my posts. Maybe some of the misunderstanding of late are simply due to poorly worded posts, however, I can't deny that in the last few days, I have felt attacked, maligned, and I have been very offended by some of the posts on the board.
It is fine to provide healthy, constructive criticism. No matter what anyone says, we need feedback, both positive and negative to help us grow and mature. There is an art to doing it. I will provide some links on how to give positive criticism. As a writer, I've participated in a number of critique groups, and I've certainly had some less than tactful editors. Some of them are perfectly ruthless, in fact. I've developed a fairly thick skin, and I can let most comments roll off.
LInks to constructive criticism sites:
http://www.instigatorblog.com/5-steps-to-providing-good-constructive-criticism/2006/10/03/http://www.uncommon-knowledge.co.uk/emotional_wellbeing/friends/constructive-criticism.htmlhttp://www.peaceandhealing.com/criticism/constructive.aspI don't see much constructive criticism. In fact some posters can't even post now without their comments being construed as an attack on various members of the board. It seems as though folks want to see hidden agendas behind every comment, and they simply can't take them at face value.
I came to this board seeing support because my family is horribly dysfunctional. To use my T's terms, "you don't have a very healthy family do you?" I came here because my family is not support of me, my son, or my life. It doesn't matter what sort of success I find, it's not good enough for my family. The only member of my family I still talk to is my brother, and even he keeps his distance because he doesn't want to get involved. So, I have no support outside of the friends I've made. The only person I have to rely on is me. The board changed that, at least here, I could get advise from other very wise folks in similar situations. It's been a lifesaver, truly. I couldn't have come as far as I have without the support of the folks here on the board. So thank you for that. I would truly hate to see this board change, as it seems to be, from a safe place to work through issues, to a place where we only find more abuse.
I don't know about others here, but I think I've suffered enough abuse for a lifetime. I'm ready to live.