Hi dear Carolyn,
I will no longer expose my heart to page after page/hour after hour/day after day of other peoples' struggles and issues, lest the work which I need to do within myself be dampened in the process.
This sounds like healthy boundary-setting to me. Thank you.
Do you mean you stop reading, skip threads, choose not to post, or a combination?
I think I'm dependent here.
Dear Hops,
It's a combination of the above, really... some posters I have chosen not to read at all, because I do not like the way I feel afterwards.
For me, it's like choosing not to take an abusive phone call. I used to think that I had to face every single speck of nastiness in this world and overcome it... as though - if my life were not supremely difficult, then I'd be a failure. Somehow, along the path of this past year or so, I gave up trying to be all things to all people. In accord with that, I don't try to meet and greet each newcomer or offer support to every suffering soul. I am not a bit callous... which is really the problem. It was tearing me apart to read of all the horror.
And you know... I've read many times here of how much that hurts folks - when others won't/can't relate to them, because they don't want to face the pain. Well, I can meet some people where they are and make myself available to help them shoulder their burdens, but not everyone! If I could do that for everyone, then I'd be Jesus. That's what I saw.
Hopsy, I was very dependent here. I so very much wanted people to like/value/need( ?)/appreciate/recognize me. When I posted, it was as Leah said... with all of my heart and emotions fully involved, a total outpouring of myself. And uhen the well ran dry. There simply was not enough input to maintain that level of giving and sharing... mostly because I was not looking in the right place for the filling... I needed to look to Christ alone.
You have been such a great friend to me, dear Hops... truly, you, and Sela, and Finding Peace, and a few others here have taught me how to love, despite vast differences. In real life, I have no one like that... but you've given me the tools to recognize/forge such a relationship, and I'm so thankful! I wish that I could give a corresponding gift to y'all...
I can only say that I've watched you grow and bloom here and continue to learn from your willingness (and eagerness!) to live and to let live.
With much love,
((((((((((Leah))))))))) thank you!