Hey Cat: Well, the new home is great. Still have tons of boxes in the garage. I refuse to bring anything into the new house that is not organized and put away. I am waiting until the new year to do that. I work retail and we are at our busiest. Plus shopping, etc. We are getting bids for siding (the owners refused to renegotiate after the inspector saw how bad it was but we wanted the house so bad we just didn't pursue it......) They threatened to put it back on the market and negotiate with the next buyer without giving so much - I think people should have the house inspected BEFORE the negotiations start because you agree on something and then the inspector reveals things that need to be done......anyway, we love the house!
The lap band? Well, they said all through the process that it wasn't a "magic pill." I wanted it to be but it is not. I finally got it filled to the point that if I overeat I will throw up. So now I just eat a little at a time and eat all the time......stupid me.......anyway.....
The first of the year I am going to start watching what I eat. Darn it!! The doctor said it often takes patients up to six months to figure out they have to try. The fact that I "got it" after three months is good (he said....) So after the first of the year I am going to eat five times a day. Protein shake for breakfast. Small meal at 11. Small meal at 3. Small meal at 6. Protein shake at 9..........The people who really benefit from this are people who normally sat down to a meal and ate huge helpings. This band prevents you from doing that. Unfortunately I have never been a huge meal eater.......I have always grazed all day and the band allows me to do this. So,l discipline and exercise (the things everyone should do....) are what is going to make the difference for me!! 
Sorry I quoted your whole post but..... I think maybe you need to figure out what an appropriate mix of food would be for your body to kick into a more efficient mode?
Protien shake in the morning is great.... it kind of tricks the body into thinking you had a big meal and so you burn calories.... your system doesn't shut down like it's going into starvation mode.
Eating small amounts every 3 hours or so should be part of your solution, I think. Perhaps you have to play with combining proteins and starches or not?
I've found combining worked well for me but I've heard just the opposite from other people who're in very good shape.
Maybe there's a key to your matabolism that's yet to present itself? Along with moderate activity and drinking plenty of water?
You sound like you're going to get it right: )