Judging from what is posted,I don't see any major differentiation betwen this board and society in general as far as class is concerned. What is most apparent is that it is almost all female. After that I think that it is the age that is most homogeneous. This is not a site that most young people in their 20's would spend a great deal of time with. Young people listen to music,discuss politics, meet one another, help each other with common concerns such as school and dating, talk about celebrities, their dreams for the future, and do creative writing and such. Here there are lots of 40s and 50s folks who speak the same middle-aged language of a none-too-glamorous familial life experience. Also mostly persons professing Christianity in its many forms seem to predominate. Also a support site for a specific brand of affliction -"Ns"- There are cancer sites, etc as well so many would go to other sites for their primary concerns. This is not a general discussion site- Not a site that most people who discuss philosophy or business, etc would frequent. One big reason that there are so few men here.
As far as class, and that divide is drawn by more than paycheck size, it seems like generally lower middle class to almost middle middle class or working class represented here to me- haven't noticed any major representations of upper- middle- class, inherited wealth or truly wealthy here- long less any elites of any sort. A milleu you might see at a local church, not St. Patrick's Cathedral. No dynastic families, maybe some will inherit when the patriarch dies, but no trust funds, etc. from grandpa with a key to the Breakers. Some professionals, lower level mostly- no big foundations that they control, usually.Might have a either house or apartment or live with relatives. Students. Divorcees.Wage slaves of one stripe or another. Self-employed. Workers in small business or a bureaucracy of some sort, some stay at home wives and mothers. Some rural people, but no huge landowners that I have noticed. Many people who are trying to build a life. No captains of industry or big shots, except in their own very tiny tiny ponds or minds. Pretty much mainstream society.
As far as education goes, most have an average education like I do- a B.A. or B.S. There are some PhDs, MSs, etc. as in the general population.
I don't know about ethnicity or race- I don't understand how that would be a factor that could be gleaned from posts???? Typed words look exactly the same, no matter what paint job the face of the person has. I don't see ethnicity or race mentioned often here.....
Most everyone is on the internet- this is not the only or most "happening" site. Young people like Facebook and such. Many people enjoy conversing with people who follow their own interests. I came here as a result of typing on the search page in extremis. I am sure that there are other sites on this subject, perhaps more extensive ones that attract a more well heeled crowd, as well as a younger one. In my experience it is the middle-aged mostly who see the internet, texting, and cell phones as new or special.