Author Topic: Lighter  (Read 4091 times)

finding peace

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« on: December 16, 2007, 12:34:37 PM »
I moved this to my own thread because I do not want my voice to negatively impact another thread.  If this is perceived by Dr. G as restarting something that has been locked (which is not my intent at all), I will gladly remove it at his request.  I am feeling a bit like I am being forced to be silent, so I will try to say what I believe here instead.  Dr. G please let me know if you find this inappropriate and I will remove it.

Hi Lighter,

You said:

And I don't for a minute consider that we can go NC with anyone on this board.... I think you're foolin yourself if you think that's true.

They interact with others..... that impacts every ONE of us, whether we pretend it does or not.

Intimately blowing into someone's ear.... whispers in private.....   Grooming. Cultivating.  Flattering...... appreciating...... validating souls that never enjoyed the warm glow of acceptance and adoration before finding it here. 

From where I'm standing, it's predatory but I can't be sure exactly what the angles are.... I'm a relatively newcome to the game.

That little whispered puff of wind creates ripples...... 

The ripples fan out and become larger.

By the time I'm pointing out small swells......

I'm creating waves 

So...... the small whispers aren;t perceived as the problem..... the waves and the wavemaker are.


Lighter, I agree with what you’ve written here for the most part.  In all honesty (and throwing the idiot sympathy out the window for the moment – I know you can take it), sometimes the way in which you point to the small swells sometimes creates more waves. 

I agree there is a problem.  It iseems to be a repeating pattern, and at least in my view, a lot of people have been hurt by it – with some being driven from the board.

The thing is – and this is the catch-22 of this place – is it predatory or is it unconscious? And here is where the why comes in and why I ask it.

We all have blind spots.  Maybe this is a huge blind spot, compounded by a double-bind (ie, Dr. G’s post about not backing down). 

I am going to be very honest here and it is painful for me.  As a child growing up with N parents I had to shut them out.  And this is how I think in some ways an N is created.  I only had myself to rely on, so as a child with very black and white thinking, I had to say to myself I am right – everything they say is wrong.  (In other words, I couldn’t back down on that stance, because otherwise I would have been eaten alive.)  Sad thing, in a sense I became exactly what they were.  It wasn’t until my late teens that I hurt an innocent rather badly with this attitude, it opened my eyes to what I was doing, and brought me to my knees – you see, I woke up to their pain and my role in it.  The pain I caused haunts me to this day. 

In one blinding flash of light, I lost my blind spot, and realized that by my refusing to step back and self-reflect, I was causing others pain.   

By virtue of what this place is – a place to learn and grow, we are stuck a bit in a double-bind.  You see it, I see it, many here I believe see it.  But is it predatory or is it a pattern playing out from childhood?  I don’t know – and I don’t want to make the mistake of guessing wrong.

I don’t know the answer or what to make of it. 

Much love to you,
- Life is a journey not a destination


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Re: Lighter
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2007, 01:34:30 PM »
I have to say, finding peace, speaking as one who has been "targeted" on this Voicelessness Board, I would put my "vote" in on people replaying childhood reactions but also using childhood defense mechanisms.

I have seen this recently while watching one member use wry humor to subtly "jab" at another

I've seen it in a member deciding to write off another member because that person did not take their side

I've seen it in people proclaiming that they are leaving the board because things are too chaotic for them

I've seen it in people saying that they are not the ones causing any of the problems (hero status)

and I've seen it in people who say that everyone is out to get them (paranoia, martyrism)

I do not really see people's behaviors as predatory, although some psychopaths and sociopaths might find their way here from time to time, who's not like Dr G takes a formal mental/medical history on everyone who finds this place.  I just think basically that the people on this board are people who were abused, neglected, or spoiled as children and in some ways, are still behaving the way that was protective for them long ago.



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Re: Lighter
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2007, 02:25:51 PM »

Bingo anyone?

Laura..... when you wrote "sociopaths and psychopaths" a lightbulb went off.

It's familiar and probably a trigger, what can I say.... ?

 I think if it walks like a duck,

acts like a duck

and quacks like a duck....



Who gives a frog's fat ass if we're empathic or snide or kind or quoting scripture when we say it?

Why on God's green earth is it perfectly acceptable to BE a duck.....

and so wrong to point it out?

Not a rhetorical question people and yes, you'd be correct to assume there's some sarcasm attached to this post :x


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Re: Lighter
« Reply #3 on: December 16, 2007, 02:42:26 PM »

I agree with lighter, but with different words!!

"But is it predatory or is it a pattern playing out from childhood?"

Whichever it is, whoever is the person who has the nerve to speak out about it, shouldn't be attacked for naming the 'elephant in the living room'. If there's an elephant in the room, it's not the job of the person speaking out to say if it's a deliberately predatory elephant, or an emotionally-abused elephant. But it IS an elephant. (Or a duck, whatever)

But when people say 'Stop saying there's an elephant!!' and that is then seen as the problem (the telling), then some people on the forum, who hate to see conflict, tend to go for the 'let's all keep quiet and everything will be lovely' response, rather than the 'let's deal with the root of the problem (the elephant)'.

Am I making sense here?

Whistle-blowers are not the problem. What they are whistle-blowing ABOUT is the problem.

That's what I mean. I think.


finding peace

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Re: Lighter
« Reply #4 on: December 16, 2007, 02:54:55 PM »
Hi Lighter and Janet (and Laura),

Lighter - was that sarcasm directed at me, or because of your frustration with the situation?  Because if it was directed at me - I would appreciate if you would not do that again.  Been there done that - refuse to go there again.

I agree with you both in a sense.  And am frustrated too.

Yes - Lighter is having the finger pointed at her when, in my opinion, she is the whistle blower.  Athough I will say that part of the problem, IMO, is because of the way she is blowing the whistle.

That being said - I don't think what is being done to Lighter and many others here is fair or right. 

But I don't feel qualified to call what looks like a duck a duck - and my reason stands above.   

« Last Edit: December 16, 2007, 04:03:35 PM by finding peace »
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Re: Lighter
« Reply #5 on: December 16, 2007, 03:14:52 PM »
It kind of appears that a few of us are really on the same page with this topic.

I really like what Janet had to say about it :
But when people say 'Stop saying there's an elephant!!' and that is then seen as the problem (the telling), then some people on the forum, who hate to see conflict, tend to go for the 'let's all keep quiet and everything will be lovely' response, rather than the 'let's deal with the root of the problem (the elephant)'.

Am I making sense here?

Whistle-blowers are not the problem. What they are whistle-blowing ABOUT is the problem.

You are making perfect sense and I agree that some people who hate conflict will then tend to try and keep things quiet.  I've seen it over the past years I've been on this board.  I'd guess that those might be those highly sensitive people maybe.

Me, well, i just know that conflict is going to spring up in life.  I can either join in, opt out, or roll with the punches so to speak.



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Re: Lighter
« Reply #6 on: December 16, 2007, 03:28:34 PM »
Hi Lighter and Janet (and Laura),

Lighter - was that sarcasm directed at me, or because of your frustration with the situation?  Because if it was directed at me - I would appreciate if you would not do that again.  Been there done that - refuse to go there again.


Thanks for asking for clarification, Peace.

No, the sarcasm was not directed at you.

I can't even begin to imagine why you'd think that except that you started this thread.

I was responding to Laura's post, as referenced with the sociopath duck stuff.

The sarcase was directed at the Universe, which is, after all.... against us :?


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Re: Lighter
« Reply #7 on: December 16, 2007, 03:29:03 PM »
Look there's an Elephant here ...

..... When working in a large organization, a few years ago, I witnessed a 'Whistle Blower' someone whose behaviour gradually became

totally out of character.

Why did that happen ?

Because, just like the * kid * who saw that the emperor had no clothes on --- those around him * chose *  to not  * see *   

When someone can * see *  :   which the perpetrator * perceives * as a threat   :  then * sabotage * is roled out in the game.

In effect, what was done against the innocent whistle blower was * crazy making *  until he was fired.

Nothing changed in the organization.

Business as usual with a "let's change the subject" in an act of avoidance and denial.

That was the truth and that is the truth.

Jun 2006 voiceless seeking

April 2008 - "The Gaslight Effect" How to Spot & Survive by Dr. Robin Stern - freedom of understanding!

The Truth About Abuse VIDEO

Certain Hope

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Re: Lighter
« Reply #8 on: December 16, 2007, 03:45:26 PM »
Dear Peace,

With admiration and love and respect and the warmest heart toward you.... I feel (not think, but feel) that this entire thing is snowballing in a direction you never intended... please take care.



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Re: Lighter
« Reply #9 on: December 16, 2007, 03:46:28 PM »
Leah, your post was a really accurate description of what we whistle-blowers experience often:

..... When working in a large organization, a few years ago, I witnessed a 'Whistle Blower' someone whose behaviour gradually became

totally out of character.

Why did that happen ?

Because, just like the * kid * who saw that the emperor had no clothes on --- those around him * chose *  to not  * see *  
When someone can * see *  :   which the perpetrator * perceives * as a threat   :  then * sabotage * is roled out in the game.
In effect, what was done against the innocent whistle blower was * crazy making *  until he was fired.
Nothing changed in the organization.
Business as usual with a "let's change the subject" in an act of avoidance and denial.
That was the truth and that is the truth.

This is what happened to me:  I pointed out through questioning X, "Why do you treat your daughter that way?  Why does it seem like everyone in your family walks on eggshells around you, trying to please you every step of the way?"  

I also questioned X's family and friends as I sought to blow the whistle.

The reaction was exactly as Leah described:  the parents/family/some friends chose not to "see" while I CLEARLY saw and addressed it.

Next, X perceived and painted me as a threat to the inner, dysfunctional homeostasis of the group, and finally SABATOGE was released.  I was threatened to keep quiet or else, my friends were blacklisted against me, my ministry room online was manipulatively covertly shut down, and finally, X's new supply source decided to let me know how much of a better "fit" she was for X than I was, and X ultimatey justified ditching me and most likely, erasing me from thought.

Did X's situation change?  Not that I could tell from our last encounter.  X still sees me as the one with most of the issues and as far as  I know, X's child is still scapegoated, people still walk on eggshells and hesitate to rile X, and their lives go on.



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Re: Lighter
« Reply #10 on: December 16, 2007, 03:55:19 PM »

Dear Carolyn,

Only the truth can ever make for freedom, of thought and action.

Bless you both (((((( Carolyn )))))) and ((((( Peace ))))))

with much gentle love and consideration.

Love, Leah
Jun 2006 voiceless seeking

April 2008 - "The Gaslight Effect" How to Spot & Survive by Dr. Robin Stern - freedom of understanding!

The Truth About Abuse VIDEO

Certain Hope

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Re: Lighter
« Reply #11 on: December 16, 2007, 04:28:12 PM »
Dear Leah,

The truth was uncovered 100 some posts ago...

now all I am seeing is alot of rolling around in the muck.



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Re: Lighter
« Reply #12 on: December 16, 2007, 04:37:25 PM »

Reading through this thread from the beginning, all I can see is a discussion. As others on other threads keep telling us, if people don't want to read things, they have the option of leaving that thread alone. While this thread is relatively peaceful, isn't it OK for us to discuss this?

And, with all due respect to you, I don't see this as 'rolling around in the muck'. I see it as taking recent events one stage further - by looking at dysfunction on the forum that might have CAUSED the recent events. That's a new angle to discuss, IMO.



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Re: Lighter
« Reply #13 on: December 16, 2007, 04:42:42 PM »
I'm with Janet in her sentiments.  Let the discussion begin!


finding peace

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Re: Lighter
« Reply #14 on: December 16, 2007, 04:58:16 PM »
((((((Dear Carolyn)))))))

Thank you so much for your post (#10).  Your feelings are correct and spot on as usual.

The dysfunction I have seen here and tried to speak to has me feeling like I am once again sliding back into the black hole of my childhood (my trigger), I do believe it needs to be spoken of as many are being hurt, a lot of whom have no idea what hit them.  But because of the strong feelings associated with it, it seems to me it is spiraling out of control, and I am having trouble handling that.

You are right, I need to take care.  I need to step back.

I am not going to lock this thread, but won't be posting for awhile.

Much love to all of you,
- Life is a journey not a destination