I moved this to my own thread because I do not want my voice to negatively impact another thread. If this is perceived by Dr. G as restarting something that has been locked (which is not my intent at all), I will gladly remove it at his request. I am feeling a bit like I am being forced to be silent, so I will try to say what I believe here instead. Dr. G please let me know if you find this inappropriate and I will remove it.Hi Lighter,
You said:
And I don't for a minute consider that we can go NC with anyone on this board.... I think you're foolin yourself if you think that's true.
They interact with others..... that impacts every ONE of us, whether we pretend it does or not.
Intimately blowing into someone's ear.... whispers in private..... Grooming. Cultivating. Flattering...... appreciating...... validating souls that never enjoyed the warm glow of acceptance and adoration before finding it here.
From where I'm standing, it's predatory but I can't be sure exactly what the angles are.... I'm a relatively newcome to the game.
That little whispered puff of wind creates ripples......
The ripples fan out and become larger.
By the time I'm pointing out small swells......
I'm creating waves
So...... the small whispers aren;t perceived as the problem..... the waves and the wavemaker are.
Lighter, I agree with what you’ve written here for the most part. In all honesty (and throwing the idiot sympathy out the window for the moment – I know you can take it), sometimes the way in which you point to the small swells sometimes creates more waves.
I agree there is a problem. It iseems to be a repeating pattern, and at least in my view, a lot of people have been hurt by it – with some being driven from the board.
The thing is – and this is the catch-22 of this place – is it predatory or is it unconscious? And here is where the why comes in and why I ask it.
We all have blind spots. Maybe this is a huge blind spot, compounded by a double-bind (ie, Dr. G’s post about not backing down).
I am going to be very honest here and it is painful for me. As a child growing up with N parents I had to shut them out. And this is how I think in some ways an N is created. I only had myself to rely on, so as a child with very black and white thinking, I had to say to myself I am right – everything they say is wrong. (In other words, I couldn’t back down on that stance, because otherwise I would have been eaten alive.) Sad thing, in a sense I became exactly what they were. It wasn’t until my late teens that I hurt an innocent rather badly with this attitude, it opened my eyes to what I was doing, and brought me to my knees – you see, I woke up to their pain and my role in it. The pain I caused haunts me to this day.
In one blinding flash of light, I lost my blind spot, and realized that by my refusing to step back and self-reflect, I was causing others pain.
By virtue of what this place is – a place to learn and grow, we are stuck a bit in a double-bind. You see it, I see it, many here I believe see it. But is it predatory or is it a pattern playing out from childhood? I don’t know – and I don’t want to make the mistake of guessing wrong.
I don’t know the answer or what to make of it.
Much love to you,