I asked Ami what her little spat with Auth was about.... if you recall Ami offered advice that Auth didn't appreciate,
Ami came here to lament about "a friend who had mistreated her for being the kindest most wonderful friend ever"
and Auth dropped by to set the record straight, as she saw it, which was to allege that Ami was misrepresenting the facts.
Then.... I ask Ami about it on the Aunt thread, so she can draw a connection between
her giving Auth advice and
my giver her/Ami advice (that wasn't appreciated.)
This was her response:
Hero Member
Posts: 4015
Re: My Aunt
« Reply #17 on: December 02, 2007, 06:07:23 PM »
What happened with her(since you're asking,of course) was that you bullied her off the board. She was angry with me b/c I was trying to convince her to come back on when she didn't feel safe. Ami
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Posts: 4015
Re: My Aunt
« Reply #17 on: December 02, 2007, 06:07:23 PM »
What happened with her(since you're asking,of course) was that you bullied her off the board. She was angry with me b/c I was trying to convince her to come back on when she didn't feel safe. Ami
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I'm surprised Ami mispresented the facts in such an outlandish fashion.... but I'm getting used to it by now.
It takes so much time and energy to track down the facts to refute..... I guess she has that going for her.
As I recall.... you seemed to be getting on well with Auth about the time she had to go away.
::looking puzzled::
Oh well, I was just surprised to hear that you were being accused of bullying her off the board as well... I must not have been paying attention....
That's what that post was supposed to say: ) Sorry for all the mispelled words.... I haven't had enough time to proofread posts lately