Growing up in an N family the dynamics jumped between mind numbing boredom - because I did not have the skills to focus on activities which satisfied me and high drama, which was painful but boy did I feel alive. Needless to say the drama was always rooted in conflict. My adaptation was to avoid the conflict and feel flat and depressed. As an adult I believe, I took little responsibility for my own well being and looked to others to provide the excitement in my life. As kids we were never encouraged to join activities or groups and while my social skills were good I had little staying power. I would very easily lapse into boredom and withdraw from whatever was going on. The addiction to someone else determining my well being was well and truly in place.
For me, boredom is a reminder of my not taking responsibility for my life. It is about lapsing back into kid mode where I want the adults to fix my life for me. I have made great strides in this area but have to constantly be aware that I am in charge of me. I don't like it, I do it kicking and screaming, I want it all to be ok but I do not want to take the responsibility which goes along with it.
My addiction to Ns makes perfect sense to me now. Life without an N is so different. I have learned that I can make it exciting without it being painful but I DO find it difficult. I struggle with balance all the time - keeping some sort of rythmn. So easily I can spend days reading and doing little else, it is not healthy. I suffer the growing pains of being a responsible adult who tries to eat in a healthy way, exercise, socialise. My natural inclination is extremes. These extremes are so destructive and addictive. Living in a "normal" way with routine is the hardest work I do. I resent having to take care of myself. When I do behave responsibly towards myself I feel good and yet I sabotage this feeling regularily. I wonder is some of this tied up with letting go of being a victim? To rewrite my narrative from one of being exploited to one of healthy responsible adult feels like a task which holds great fear for me. It challenges my identity. I think it is called growing up and I have little tolerance or patience the work that goes alongside this task.