Author Topic: Do not let bad things nake you feel bad  (Read 2295 times)


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Do not let bad things nake you feel bad
« on: December 22, 2007, 11:57:16 AM »
Will I let injustice make me feel bad? NO. I will not.
Thursday I had my sixth period semester exam. Everything went well. I noticed that some students did not have their own notes. I allow notes and workbook in the semester exam. That way they are encouraged to take notes and to do the workbook exercises which go in their own benefit. Plus, the exam is formatted very similar to the workbook exercises.
The point is that during the brake, the librarian allowed the students to make photocopies of the book. Not only that but the next day she told me that the students were making photocopies. Why would she tell me that? She wanted to make me feel bad. She is in charge of the copier.
Why would she allow the students to make photocopies and tell me the next day?
That woman is a killer. I feel sick just to think of her. She is evil. And you have to see her in chapel raising her hands during the songs, waving to the Holy Spirit, and saying how much she loves Jesus.
I feel humiliated, but just a little. I know that I did a good job and at the end I am always alone, because the other teachers help each other but I do not have anybody.
But, I will not feel bad. I am on vocation, two weeks. Cant get any better.
I will be able to post many times a day like many people who do not have to work outside home. Two weeks. I got up at nine today. Usually have to get up at five. I am just doing nothing. Relaxing. Not enjoying, joy has been out of my life for a long time. But at least I am satisfied. I know I did a good job. They don’t have to tell me that I did a good job. I know I did.
Feliz Navidad.


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Re: Do not let bad things nake you feel bad
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2007, 12:08:27 PM »
Feliz Navidad, Lupita.

Enjoy your rest.


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Re: Do not let bad things nake you feel bad
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2007, 12:24:08 PM »
Observer, do you have any ideas how to deal with that auffle woman? I dislike her so much!!!!!!!!


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Re: Do not let bad things nake you feel bad
« Reply #3 on: December 22, 2007, 12:47:27 PM »
Dear Lupita,

Just to say, that Observer wrote in his/her posting that away on holiday for 10 days.

And if this helps, I have suffered such injustice, and spiritual abuse (10 years ago), from similar kinds of people waving their arms about in suchlike manner also.  The person(s) behaviour after the service never seemed to match the seemingly outward signs of their perfect 'Holy' show!!  Put on for every to * see *

When I spoke out, about the spiritual abuse in the church, at that time, I was like that hated kid in the emperor who has no clothes, as was a few others too.

But, that said, not everyone is like that.  However, there will always be the odd one or two ..... or three!   :)

The book that helped me understand the things people do, was the book "Nasty People" in all walks of life.

Believe me, I have worked and suffered, through my years of work, at the hands and mouth of a person such as she.

It's so truly awful, simply because, we don't behave that way.

Love, Leah
« Last Edit: December 22, 2007, 01:01:25 PM by LeahsRainbow »
Jun 2006 voiceless seeking

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Re: Do not let bad things nake you feel bad
« Reply #4 on: December 22, 2007, 12:53:58 PM »
Nasty People. Author? Will put it on the list for sure. I guess I spend the rest of my life reading. Better reading than with some humans. Thank you for your response.


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Re: Do not let bad things nake you feel bad
« Reply #5 on: December 22, 2007, 12:59:37 PM »
Nasty People. Author? Will put it on the list for sure. I guess I spend the rest of my life reading. Better reading than with some humans. Thank you for your response.

 :)    That made me smile, as my life has been greatly enriched through reading, and greatly abused by humans    :)

Tis' a pleasure Lupita.

Can assure you that I am not one of those 'hypo christians' and I do sincerely apologize to you for having used scripture in previous response postings to you, which I only did, simply because you mentioned praying and G-d in your posts, and so I incorrectly perceived that it would be welcome.  But, as you may have noticed, I have refrained from doing so for some time now, in my response postings to you, as a matter of care, consideration and respect, to you.

Love to you, Leah
Jun 2006 voiceless seeking

April 2008 - "The Gaslight Effect" How to Spot & Survive by Dr. Robin Stern - freedom of understanding!

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Re: Do not let bad things nake you feel bad
« Reply #6 on: December 22, 2007, 01:34:39 PM »
That shows and proves that you are not an N. Because an N will do it more and more. And robe it in the face and on the nose, etc. Conflicts come principally from Ns. Did you see? Hopalong and I had a disagreement and did not escalate to nothing. That is the kind of friendship I am looking for.
I am a true Chrsitian. I have nothing against bible. I love the bible. What I hate is that somebody tells me that I do not have God in my heart. That is judgemental. And nobody knows my deep in my heart but God and me.
I really appreciate your gesture. I prefer science than bible when discussing problems. The bible was written too many years ago when women had no rights. The world is different and many things do not apply. I eat pork and I do not care. And I do not have to obey men etc. So, to avoid conflicts, I prefer not to use the bible in secular life. I leave it for church. Enough with that, I have enough with the church. And a Christian school every single day of my life.
That is why I liked so much observer. No moral speeches. Just scinetific analysis of the facts. How can you prove that the pastor hates you. The pastor is a jerk, so what, etc. Do an concious effort not to be in thier way. That was an advise that saved me. Do not look in theri eyes. Look at somewhere else. etc. Wonderful advises.
Anyway, I love that you do not use the bible. Thank you. That is very respectful of you.


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Re: Do not let bad things nake you feel bad
« Reply #7 on: December 22, 2007, 02:32:09 PM »
Hopalong and I had a disagreement and did not escalate

Thanks for saying that, (((((((((((((((Lupita))))))))))))))).

Only thing I can think of in regard to that librarian who told you she let your students make photocopies is just to respond with delight. As in,

"Thank you! I really appreciate that and I know the students did. Thanks a lot!" Big smile and walking away fast... Sometimes I find that extreme courtesy disarms people. Sometimes not.

But I'm not positive I understand why her doing that was harmful. So my thoughts may not be useful.

SO glad you are on vacation and can rest and hopefully find some small joys again.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Do not let bad things nake you feel bad
« Reply #8 on: December 22, 2007, 03:19:18 PM »
Dear Lupita,
  I don't know if I can express this in words. You have referred to us(you and me) as "soul sisters". Well, I have slowly ,slowly seen that I am NOT bad ,as I thought(was taught).
 I am slowly seeing that I am human---not bad or different from "others".
It is a slow "inch by inch" process. I am "screwing up" my way to wholeness,in a way. I am simply trying to be myself(immature as I am) and letting myself learn what I DIDN'T as a teen.
 I have been through a painful experience . At the end of the whole thing, I learned many things. I learned about myself(foibles). I learned about the world.
I learned that I like some things about myself and don't like others.I learned that I would not die ,if I made a mistake. I learned that many people will forgive a bumbling person.I guess that I need to just keep trying to be my 'real" self---NOT the false self.
My false self could go out in to the world and be liked. It could live a whole life unto itself( and it has). I would rather lose all the people in my life for being real than be popular for being false.
 I don't know if I made much sense.
My larger point is that we----you and I, Lupita are NOT bad. We were brainwashed. If  we can get that truth in our hearts and heads---we will heal                        Ami
« Last Edit: December 22, 2007, 03:24:21 PM by Ami »
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Do not let bad things nake you feel bad
« Reply #9 on: December 22, 2007, 03:30:29 PM »
Dear ((((( Lupita ))))))

That shows and proves that you are not an N. Because an N will do it more and more. And robe it in the face and on the nose, etc. Conflicts come principally from Ns.

Yes, Lupita, you are wise.  I knew full well the underlying reason why, regarding what was being done to me, hurtful, yes, but thankfully, that has now ended. So it is finished.

Did you see? Hopalong and I had a disagreement and did not escalate to nothing. That is the kind of friendship I am looking for.

Yes, I did.  And, likewise, with myself and Hops, which was quickly resolved in a mature adult way, which is just as we would each expect, from each other, which is healthy (will refrain from using the word 'normal' Hops  :) ).

I am a true Chrsitian. I have nothing against bible. I love the bible. What I hate is that somebody tells me that I do not have God in my heart. That is judgemental. And nobody knows my deep in my heart but God and me.

Truly, I do understand, as personally, I cannot bear to be 'Bible Bashed', makes my spirit/heart feel flattened, by a Christian who will blindly assume that I have never read a Bible, let alone studied it (which I have, by my very own personal choice, and enjoyment, in my quiet times).  Sometimes, I think Christians are their own worst enemy, when they continue in treading on each other's toes without a thought.

I really appreciate your gesture. I prefer science than bible when discussing problems. The bible was written too many years ago when women had no rights. The world is different and many things do not apply. I eat pork and I do not care. And I do not have to obey men etc. So, to avoid conflicts, I prefer not to use the bible in secular life. I leave it for church. Enough with that, I have enough with the church. And a Christian school every single day of my life.

Interestingly, my current ongoing research is on the subject of 'wrong interpretation of the Bible' in respect of the wrongful way in which women down the ages, and still today, are abused under the Patriarchal system.  Though, as posted on my thread on the 'What Helps' board, there are some good men who rightly interpret the Bible, with equality for women, and standing up and speaking out.

That is why I liked so much observer. No moral speeches. Just scinetific analysis of the facts. How can you prove that the pastor hates you. The pastor is a jerk, so what, etc. Do an concious effort not to be in thier way. That was an advise that saved me. But in the long run, I think you choose to love. Look at somewhere else. etc. Wonderful advises.

Likewise, I truly appreciated Observer's postings.  Hopefully, the person, Observer, will come and post again, after Observer's 10 days holiday time.

Observer's postings were like a breath of fresh air and I have gleaned much from the content of all the postings, articles, and website links.

Observer posted just at the right time for you, Lupita, however, it is YOU yourself, and no one else, that has the full credit for all the work that you have done, with the fruits of your labour being you, as we can all * see * you, now.  Such a wonderful difference in you, Lupita, truly.

Anyway, I love that you do not use the bible. Thank you. That is very respectful of you.

Thank you, Lupita, you are most welcome, sincerely, and that is truly most kind of you to say to me.

My sincere good wishes to you, Lupita.

Love, Leah

Jun 2006 voiceless seeking

April 2008 - "The Gaslight Effect" How to Spot & Survive by Dr. Robin Stern - freedom of understanding!

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Re: Do not let bad things nake you feel bad
« Reply #10 on: December 22, 2007, 05:50:45 PM »
Dear Lupita,

I hope that you very much enjoy your time off from work, complete with sleeping in later and all of the opportunities for posting here and relaxation! A very Blessed Christmas to you, dear Lupita, and a New Year that brings fulfillment of your fondest desires.

With love,


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Re: Do not let bad things nake you feel bad
« Reply #11 on: December 22, 2007, 07:22:31 PM »
OK, thank you. Merry Christmas to everybody!!!!!!!!!

But this was not intended to be a Chrsitams post. This was intended to discuss about that bitch.

OK, Observer. You are going to tell me that I made my first mistake. Labeling. Labeling persons, is an eeror of thought.

OK, she is not a bitch. She is extremely insecure because she did not even finish high school and works with teachers with a degree, and tries to show her superiority undermining others, like me. She has such a weak ego, that she needs to be inflating it constantly. She talks like crazy. And she gossips like crazy. Every time I see her iether she is talking to somebody or eating.

Hum, she is probably an N and that is why I feel so irritated by her. I just have to get away from her as much as I can. And will be nice to her, as much as I can.

God, please, help me soften my heart towards that woman.

Anyway, I am on vacation and donot stop talking about work.