Wow. You give me inspiration.
Usually, I cope pretty well with life. I am able to feel meaningful in my day. But recently, I hit a low that was engulfed with lack of meaning.
I used to find meaning in my children... in conversations and popcorn and reading books.... It is truley a wonderful, marvelous time of life. My children are older teens now and their need for me is greatly diminished. My role is more to give them support when needed, and to stand back and let them find their way. I gave them wings and now they are learning to fly.
When I was married, so much of my time and energy was involved with supporting the emotional welfare of my husband. Every single day, I did things to make sure he would be okay.... crazy I know, but it kept our family running smoothly. He would be calmer. The kids would be happier. I thought it was an okay trade off.
Now I recognize that the kids saw our world as "fake" A false family. Pretty on the outside and wormy on the inside. It absolutely breaks my heart when my daughter tells me this... even when there are elements of truth to her words... because my love and my commitment were genuine. My love came from my heart. Yet, she is accutely aware of the falsness that came when her dad was home.... the feeling of being on her best behavior... or worse yet, of me being on my best behavior.
So these roles which used to give me structure and meaning are gone. And I must find new ways to have a purpose. My thoughts, however, stray to such negative thougths. Such unanswerable questions.
That's why I wrote this question. To find out what makes your day worthwhile. I have listened to your ideas and will try my best to remember them when I sink low again.
This starting over is an incredible task. At this moment, I don't feel the joy of freedom and the opportunity for growth.... maybe I will in time... but right now, everything appears worthless. I struggle to imagine things feeling better. Each day I put one foot in front of another and plod through the day.
I have grave fears that I will always feel terrible. My xH has said repeatedly that I will be miserable. that I will fail. And I know that his words lack credibility, but I hear them in my heart. And I question my abliity. And I cannot find a reason to look toward the future.
Every day is not this gloomy. But when the feeling washes over me, it is huge and intense and difficult to shake.
Love you all for your vision and purpose,