Author Topic: Utopy  (Read 1251 times)


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« on: December 22, 2007, 01:53:19 PM »
In a previous thread, I was asked what kind of driver I was. I responded that I am a defensive driver. Polio is totally eradicated from USA. Due to vaccination. Also Small Pox has been eradicated from USA due to vaccination. Now there is a specialty that is call Preventive Medicine. That is because public health knows about the importance of the prevention of diseases. The same way to be a defensive driver is indispensable for a good environment. Because if everybody is a defensive driver, the amount of accidents would be minimized. The point is that if everybody is careful not to interfere, we would never have conflicts and would never need “helpers”. Utopic, I know. I try, not that I am successful but I try. My point is that if we would not have accidents we would not need paramedics.

Certain Hope

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Re: Utopy
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2007, 05:57:12 PM »
 I try to "watch out for the other guy" while driving (and throughout life)... was just telling my son yesterday, as we exited the car at the shopping center - to wait a bit, till the man in the monster truck next to us exited his vehicle, lest our doors collide.
BU then again - - sometimes you meet the nicest folks when you smack into their car door accidentally...  :D
Stranger things have happened  8)


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Re: Utopy
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2007, 07:03:03 PM »
Well, I was speaking metaphorically about avoiding conflicts here in the board. But it took a very interesting direction.

I cannot imagine Izz how difficult must be for you. An easy activity that the rest of us take for granted, is a huge journey for you. Even going to the drug store. That is why you end up exhasuted. My nehpew has cerebral palsy. He cant walk normally. Just walking is a huge exercise for him. He has to hold to something and his spine is very curved, his muscles do not sustein his spine. H eonstantly falls and somebody has to elp him get up. He is 19 now.

It would be nice if there was something we could tell you. But there is nothing we can say to easier your cross. It is admirable that still you manage your self to work on websites, and do business, read, etc, when so many people healthy do not work.

Your efforts and your attitud is comendable. Many people would start telling you why you do not ask for delivery, or why you so not do this or the other. I will not do that. You have a whole life working that, and you must know everything about that for somebody else to start telling you how to solve those problems. I imagine that you just want to be listened.

Many of us are emotionally handicap. We need a cain for our hearts. Or a wheel chair for our souls, taht somebody carried our souls so we do not have to carry it our selves. On the other hand you have to put your body in a wheel chair and your souls is inmensely independent.

You are a miralce and an example to all of us. Thank you ofr your post.


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Re: Utopy
« Reply #3 on: December 22, 2007, 07:07:47 PM »
((( Izzy ))) with sincerity, is an inspiration to me, in various ways, as I get on with living on my own.  Yours, Leah

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