Laura---you crack me up(lol)
On the first night, we all(M,H, two S's and I) were in the kitchen. My M started "violating " my S's(older) boundaries by asking him ,over and over, if he had made the right choices about college b/c he was taking a non traditional route. I saw my S's distress. I said,"Mom, he does not want to be on the spot. He does not want to be questioned. It is obvious from the look on his face.", She started arguing that she could ask what she wanted. I said that she was violating boundaries, the same way that she violated MY boundaries by coming here without asking me.She was taken aback.
THEN , the big conflagration began.. I could see it coming when I saw my H--- -poised for a fight. I said to my H,"PLEASE allow me to talk to my M alone. My problems with her are with her,not you. Any issue that I have with you is not germane to my relationship with her. . PLEASE ,don't get in to this "discussion".Then I said,"I am asking you, begging you, asking for a gift etc. PLEASE do not get in to this discussion."
My H jumped in.. He tried to get my M on his side by saying that I "hated" both of them(low). He got her all riled up by saying that I was "unforgiving" to the people who loved and cared for me( them)He went on about how he tried so hard to be a good H ,but* I *would not let the past go. My M said that he was right.My M said that my H could join the "fight" if he wanted to.(after I had begged him not to) So, now they both were saying how* I* did not appreciate all the attempts at forgiveness that they had given me and all the caring and concern . I was just ungrateful and unforgiving.
I went in to the other room and I could hear them talking about me. My H was saying that he kept begging for forgiveness and I would not give it b/c I just wanted to hang on to the past. My M agreed that I would not give it to her either(bleh).
Then,I got angry. I came out of my room and I told my M that I have been abused all these years.. I need to get a new door lock every few months b/c my H breaks it in a rage if I express any emotions( anger etc). I said that he held a heavy wooden chair over my head b/c I expressed anger. My S(younger) thought that he would have to "beat " his F up.I told her that that was the "great"life that my H provided. My H looked "struck". My M looked struck, too(lol).
.Finally,my H left.Then ,my M ,S and I talked about N. My M was listening and receiving what my S and I were saying about N.
On Friday,she came over for the day. Whenever she blamed me in any way, I got in her face and would not accept it. For example, she said,"Do you think we can be friends?". I said , if she could treat me well and I did not have to keep "beating" her down, we could. She tried to blame me ,by saying that I had TOO many expectations. I said that I had the expectation for respect and if she could not give it ,then we could not be friends. So, she backed down and apologized. That was an example of many similar interactions ..
Do you understand more, Laura? Thank you so much for caring enough to ask, Laura. Love Ami