LighterLeah.... WWJD?
I always picture him hanging out with hookers.....
embracing needful humanity...
trying to make connections.
Exactly that, Lighter,
I am not a Sunday best Hat and Coat Christian, but rather, in touch with people where they are at, in life.
Which makes the 'Tea Circle Ladies' aghast, hence, I am not an invited member to the 'tea circle'

And, that's okay with me.
When I talk with people, as part of a support group; whether it's a 'bag lady' or whoever in whatever circumstances, my words are (hopefully) real to them and not empty superficial cliches ....... as they have most likely, endured much of that in life.
Well that is my real hope anyway.
As for my relationship, it is personal and real, evident by my everyday behaviour, is my true hope.
Not much for pedestals, they rock too easily, and many have fallen off them.
Love, Leah