Author Topic: Got Comedy Central  (Read 6408 times)


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Re: Got Comedy Central
« Reply #45 on: January 03, 2008, 03:04:36 PM »
Hows the hurt Kitty doing, changing?


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Re: Got Comedy Central
« Reply #46 on: January 03, 2008, 05:07:44 PM »
Hello My Friends-

You are so right- and I am guilty of not being properly Izzyfied, haven't gotten the URL or baked french bread but I will tonight...I hope- but the kitty is doing so well he raises himself up. He cannot walk but does everything else- that new vet is ridiculous. The old doctors retired and sold out to a big chain according to the December brochure touting the change as exciting- now I have to look for a new vet- UGGHHH!
I had to practically wrench my arm out of its socket to get the cat after he was injured, as he was hiding in an inaccessible area. I had no gas, no money- I have never asked for credit for vet care before. They wanted to keep him overnight, do preliminary tests for an estimated $1,600, then to a neurologist for much more- I wanted fluids, antibiotics, xrays  and pain meds- they were sending the kitty home with no fluids because they had wanted to keep him and do intravenous fluids- so after 5 hours they gave him NOTHING!
I can have an extremely bad temper when properly provoked, I lost it a bit, kitty got the fluids, the vet tried to not give me the antibiotics but I kept arguing- eventually we got everything and drug ourselves home with the idiot light on reminding me that I had no gas!!!- I was so broke and exhausted.
I have been cooking a broth but now this guy is ravenous and eats like a stevedore! He has bladder function ( vet girl didn't think so ) and is pulling himself up, though the leg needs to knit before he can walk... he seems quite content, warm and happy. The doggies, especially Sammy, adore the kitty and are very sweet with him.
It does ease the shame and guilt of the lonely passing of the old fella who just passed- I used to care for him like this too, and changed my routine at a fateful time due to necessity. I have learned from that.

Thank you for asking and I will get to the many things that I have neglected- promise!

Love to you both,


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Re: Got Comedy Central
« Reply #47 on: January 03, 2008, 05:18:05 PM »
I'm so glad that nurturing Kitty makes you feel better.

Did you get your butter? 

I bet the smell of fresh baked bread in the house will lift your spirits as much as toasting up a slice and munching it with tea and butter: )