Hi Sweetie-
There are ready made items for leg and foot elevation- it makes it so much easier to manage, as they are made out of molded foam with a washable cotton cover usually, lightweight, one piece and easy to move when making the bed, just toss it aside and then flop it back on the bed when needed. Sometimes pillows can be more comfortable though,depending upon the exact condition that you have. Sometimes a "bunny boot" works. Next time your nurse Becky comes by, perhaps you can see if she can get you one of those foam items.
The major swelling that you seem to be experiencing may require you to take more frequent breaks, and to keep your foot/leg elevated whenever you sit, etc. A nuisance, I know. Also, there are compression stockings and boots that can help, though the really good ones need a prescription and are very hard to take on and off. Perhaps the boots that you were given are these type, or maybe they are like my lovely "Frankenboot"-UGH!!! So heavy and hideous!
Izzy, you are truly brilliant, creative and resourceful. A strong lady in a pretty and feminine package. No wonder you snag so many admirers! It's great that you don't catch colds and such. My brother the genius person also never has colds or flu. You extra smart guys are supposed to usually have extra good health as well, according to some studies.
I hope your leg and heel heal up in record speed- I hate all the complications that you have been having. Please elevate your leg as much as possible and enjoy your book Dear. I could definitely see you as a psychiatrist!!!!