I am not a gourmet cook like Lighter, have never been to Europe (but everything that she describes sounds incredible) - but I can make a mean creme brulee.I used to make holiday meals ,especially Thanksgiving, for my circle of friends, who for some reason rarely cook at all (I wonder what this means). 3 turkeys- I would make a tandoori turkey, a garlic-lemon turkey , and a traditional turkey. Everyone had their favorite, and very little would be left over afterward.The tandoori would be assisted by the magic of an Indian lady who teaches cooking- she would make a melange of spices, etc to add. I would make lentil-rice dishes, chapatis and others things as an accompanyment.The garlic-lemon would have halved lemons inside and would be studded with garlic throughout, drizzled with lemon and extra-virgin olive oil, scented with a tiny bit of rosemary, etc. I have never been to France, but I would make what I imagined to be a French -style salad, and vegetables, etc The traditional turkey would still have lemons and Maui onions inside, as the steam keeps it moist- never a dry turkey that way.Fresh herbs, etc and traditional side dishes.
One year we had the dinner at a friends place- she is an incredible artist, and her husband is her manager. Their place is truly beautiful, and immaculate, art everywhere. We brought in platters of turkeys and side dishes, and with the last turkey, I wasn't paying attention, and things began to slip dangerously...Somehow everything landed back on the platter except for a small spill, but it was a close call. The food looked ridiculous, a big mess. However, my friend had been drinking a little too much, was oblivious to my near catastrophe before her very eyes, and saw nothing amiss on the platter either!