My Dear and Wonderful Lighter-
Right, right, and right always Oh Smart One! I do have an address, but my lawyer has not confirmed it and I have signed a stipulation that I will not have him investigated, etc myself- my lawyer is getting out of pocket, has not given me a copy of the docs with Bagworm's signature. If Bag has not signed, I am going to act in accordance with the fact that nothing has been executed, and will let my lawyer know (he is being urposely obtuse with me, I feel)
The lawyer has entered into a new partnership and is out of touch now- If I take the steps that i am contemplating, and the address is wrong, we won't get the guns. I also want to alert Bagworm's former employers about the Work Comp fraud, get his tyhings cleared out, stopmpaying his insurance , etc as I m being drained dry-I am doing everything I can, have informed the lawyer politely, and will do so more firmly once I have a plan B (in case lawyer and I split I need another that I have vetted) for backup.
Thank You Precious Lighter- I will study all that you have said carefully.
Love and Best Wishes to You and Yours!!!!