Author Topic: Trying to be better, never good enough.  (Read 3724 times)


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Trying to be better, never good enough.
« on: December 29, 2007, 08:14:02 AM »
Don’t know if because of all the gentle pressure I received yesterday from dear friends, I feel more cooperative today. Also, I want to save my own a*s, and keep my son around.
I will go to New Year’s party, will not try to dance with my son, will not get mad when she takes him to an isolated room, that is what she does all the time, these are not our first parties together, will stay out of their relationship.
Now, see the difference of what I am saying now, which almost makes me sick. I said “their relationship”, I did not say  “my son’s relationship with that woman”.
I guess that is an improvement. OK Go ahead and tell me if I deserve a monument. For the effort I am making, well, kind of a monument. LOL.

The problem is not my good intentions. I always have good intentions. The problem is the following, and I will make an analogy with an anecdote/joke:

There was this man who liked very much a girl that he usually saw in the street. Every day he thought to him self, tomorrow when I see her I will tell her how beautiful she is, how shiny is her hair and how I would love to invite her for a date. If she accepts I will take her to the best restaurant in town, I will buy her flowers and if I get lucky she might make love to me in a future date. So, he is planning that order of events, he practices in front of the mirror, he practices with friends, memorizes his speech, and re-enact his order of events.
One day he sees the girl and she suddenly says “Hi, how are you?”
He suddenly blanks out, he paralyzes and he says abruptly: “Do you want to f*ck?

The point is, that no matter how good intentions I have, how much I practice, my son always go beyond, way much beyond of what I have expected, and he slaps me in the face and catches me off guard and there I go upset and triggered and miserable.

When I was upset for holding hands they were already kissing, when I was preparing my self to accept that, in a matter of days, they were already sleeping together, I had not even digested that my baby was having a mistress, because that is the name of fornication, mistress, ok, different times, they do, I cannot prevent it, suddenly he wants to take her to my mother’s house who has never allowed me to take anybody females or male to her house, no visitors, then he tells me that she does not want any guests of mine, she will take his. Against my will he takes this two months girlfriend to my mother’s house.

Now I am accepting that I will not see fireworks because GFM does not want to. I will go wherever GFM wants because I want to be with my son. I do not mean all the time, Christmas and New Year. I want to give a hug to my son at 12:00 on New Year. I want to be there. I will not ask him to dance, because GF does not like it. I will discipline my self so my son sees a good mother.

I am afraid he will do something further more dareful to stab me in the back, like he wants to hurt me. Or just to show me he is independent.  But he does it  in a disrespectful way, in public, causing me shame.

No matter what, I will try to be prepared to be a mature mother, but in front of the ocean of possibilities of who knows what he will be following her to do, on his own will, just to show me, I am not an authority anymore. I am little by little understanding. Assimilating. But then I do not know if I will be always challenged beyond my possibilities and preparation.

I cosigned ofr his car, I put him under my car insurance policy, it went up, he had an accident, he still does things that I disagree about driving habits. I do many things for him. How can he consider him self independent? Does he want my to sop paying his cell phone? Should I? I need to stay in contact with him, but he does not answer me, just sometimes. If I stop doing things for him GFM will do it.

I know, I am going in circles. Let us go little by little. One day at a time. Let us just plan for New Year’s eve. Only that. Then I will worry for the other things.


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Re: Trying to be better, never good enough.
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2007, 08:51:49 AM »
Dear Lupita,
  I am sorry for all the pain that is evident in your post. I was thinking of my H and I going in the other room when my in laws were around. *I *was  doing it to get away from the pressure of my in laws for a few minutes. That thought just hit me. I needed a break(many)  from their presence.
 Lupita, You may be going through 'normal" pain about your son growing up. However,it is made worse by your own deep insecurities from your M. That is how I see it. When  child leaves, it is hard for any parent. However, your own life feels so  empty  ,so it seems much, much worse to you.
 I think that you are on the right track by asking honest questions of the board. There is so much wisdom ,here. Observer was sent to you,like an angel. Keep being honest and I think that you will  heal.
I think that you are doing well, Lupita.                        Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Trying to be better, never good enough.
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2007, 09:07:04 AM »
I apreciate your response Ami. But it sounds like a response from the GF 20 years old. Not from a mother of older children. She does not go away from me, she takes him away from his own friends, she does not have any friends of her own. You do not seem to understand my point of lack of affinity and fear of a future failure for incompatibility, and the degree of defiance of my son and the fact that she and her mother are Ns. Recipy for desaster.

Also, I was execting at least one ha ha from my joke.

But thank you anyway, wehn we post here we expose our selves to recieve imput that we disagree with. That is OK. I can respectfully disagree with you and still appreciate you.

God bless you Ami.


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Re: Trying to be better, never good enough.
« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2007, 02:07:39 PM »
Just talked to GFM. I told her that I was available to whatever she wanted. That I wanted my son to be happy and that I could miss my traditional trip to see fire works. She was very happy. She got her way. But I do not feel bad for that. My son called me today. i did not call him. He wanted to be sure that I agree with everything. I gave him peace. Yes, I just want to be with you and I do not care where you want for us to go. I will not make a temper tantrum when he stays at GFM to sleep on New Years after the party. It is OK. I will come here at home and talk to Izzy if possible, or watch TV, or read a book, or play the piano with head phones, or just lye down and observe the ceiling, or just go to sleep. I will not be sad. Hmmm, better said, if God allows it, I will.


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Re: Trying to be better, never good enough.
« Reply #4 on: December 29, 2007, 03:16:52 PM »
Hey Lupita:

When we have children...... we are forever walking around with our hearts outside our chests.... our hearts are our children

That's someone else's quote.... I suppose I just butchered it: /

Anyhoo..... I think you'll look back and be pleased you joined your son on New Year's Eve and kept your boundaries in place, regarding sleeping in your own comfy bed.  He'll be so pleased you're there and participating in the celebration. 

The best way to drive him away is to criticize his GF and her mother then cut him off.

I prefer having conversations where you might point out one of her negative traits and praise it..... that gets them thinking, lol.

I'm not sure how old your S is but.. if he's employed, living on his own and out of school....  you should give some seriouse thought to letting him fend for himself with regard to cellphone and car insurance.  He's a man now, he's made that clear.... let him be a man.

Teaching him  to fend for himself at the appropriate time is more important that teaching him to depend on someone else at the wrong time. 

::whispering:: This isn't about punishing him..... this isn't about taking away the priviledges of a child bc he's not doing what you desire.....

this is about his claiming to be self sufficient and you're allowing him to take that on so he can function better when he's truly on his own.... when you're not there for him to turn to. 

Please...... I don't think I ever knew..... how old is he and how old is his gf?


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Re: Trying to be better, never good enough.
« Reply #5 on: December 29, 2007, 05:53:04 PM »
Lighter, I have said it many times in almost all the last five threads. But I do not mind to say it again. He is a full time student at the university, he is a senior, he works part time in different jobs, and he is 22. he is going to graduate next Christmas. Double major. That is why I help him. And if he does something inaprorpiate like getting pregnant, or marrying before graduating or being finacially resposnible, I do not know what I am going to do. I will be very mad, sad, and disappointed.

Still, there is nothing I can do.

Lihter, where have you been? Who do you think you are that you can abandone us just like that? Just kidding. I missed you very much.

Izzy, thank you so much for your kind words and thank you so much for appreciating my joke and understanding the metaphore and analogy to my situation behind it.

Hope that I behave well. I was feeling better but I am very mad right now. Why? I dont know. My son is really being very inconsiderate to me despite all my sacrifices. I know that people do not like me to say that. That he is spreading his wings. He wants to be independent.

I am going in circles. I need to go out, even to Borders to read Albert Ellis. But I am exhausted. I need to take my son and GF and GFM out of my mind.

Why do I feel so bad? Is it the always lose thinking error? I am concerned about power? I am afraid to lose my son? well yes. But the fear I have is not normal.

Worst case scenario, he gets pregnant and ruins his career. So, what?


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Re: Trying to be better, never good enough.
« Reply #6 on: December 29, 2007, 08:27:46 PM »
The day is almost over and I have not called him. He called me once. That was it. I am being strong.


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Re: Trying to be better, never good enough.
« Reply #7 on: December 29, 2007, 09:48:16 PM »
Hey, so, I arrive super elegant, I say hello to everybody, I laugh, I say excuse me I have to talk to someody else I have not said hello yet, then I see my son and GF, then I touch son and ask are youhaving a good time, then I grab GF by te neck and say, fi you get pregnant and ruin my son's career I will ...... I will.............. I will................oh, excuse me, I have to say hello to somebody else.

No, I wont do that. I will say hello beautiful, are you having a good time? then move on to another person.

Any way, like lighter says, demn if you do demn if you dont. If you are a devoted mother they hate you for over portection. My son has accused me of making of him a CC. He said I am a CC and it is your fault. he is not a CC, he is just prudent. maybe it is now that he is tryig to prove that he is not a CC.
And if you have your own life and have boyfriends and go out, they still hate you.


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Re: Trying to be better, never good enough.
« Reply #8 on: December 29, 2007, 10:02:16 PM »
CC is a man who likes pink, who avoids a fight, who is afraid of conforntations, and who let people walk ol over him.


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Re: Trying to be better, never good enough.
« Reply #9 on: December 29, 2007, 11:02:01 PM »
YIKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I take that back. My son is very macho, I pormise you. Or I would not be having the problems I have now with him. Then, I did not know that correct word to use. He did not say that word. He said another word, with P. So I just tried to be cleaner. He wanted to mean that I overprotected him and did not let him develop skills that other buys do. I did not want hm to gte hurt, and fought many of his fights, and his friends ridiculed him because I did not want him to play hockey because I did not want him to gte hurt, and many other things. Hope that that clarify the "situation" LOL


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Re: Trying to be better, never good enough.
« Reply #10 on: December 29, 2007, 11:05:12 PM »
You are TOO funny,Lupita.  (LOL)                     Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Trying to be better, never good enough.
« Reply #11 on: December 29, 2007, 11:31:04 PM »

I can certainly understand what you are going through.My oldest daughter married someone that I believed was arrogant, abusive, and a N. She wanted to leave him so I cosigned for an apt. and she left. He went to Fl. to see his sister and returned within three weeks to live in the apt. She didn't call me or speak to me for several months and quit paying the rent. I ended up paying the rent of over $3000 and lost contact for over a year. That was over ten years ago and she moved out of state. I am now thinking about moving there when I retire and my son in law is truly a good person, just needed to mature. I am only telling you this to show there is a possibility that things will change. I COULD NOT STAND MY SON IN LAW and now think he is a blessing...what a difference ten years makes. Here's wishing the same for you.


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Re: Trying to be better, never good enough.
« Reply #12 on: December 30, 2007, 01:15:43 AM »
Sorry Lupita.... I've been without computer for days and not quite caught up.... I've been pretty hit or miss lately just trying to catch a minute here and there.

Thanks for being so patient with me regarding your son's age. 

I have lots of catching up to do on the board lately.


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Re: Trying to be better, never good enough.
« Reply #13 on: December 30, 2007, 01:28:25 AM »
I feel so good for you...I know you are going to cognitively have a blast at the party!
You'll be serene and contained and feel quiet happiness. Good for you!

And it's been a joy to see you and Fizzy-Izz go all wacky together.

SO good to hear your laughter!

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Trying to be better, never good enough.
« Reply #14 on: December 30, 2007, 07:53:29 AM »
Well, thank yuou so much for all your help.

Off I go to play in church, prelude, postlude, offertory, and hymns. I love to play.
After that, eat wiht my son.
Let us see if he brings 'company'.
If he can separate for a few minutes from his syamesee united by the pelvis, to be with his mother.

Later in the evening I will answer to all the nice people who took the time to write me.