Author Topic: Trying to be better, never good enough.  (Read 3725 times)


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Re: Trying to be better, never good enough.
« Reply #15 on: December 30, 2007, 08:35:32 AM »
  I NEVER knew that you were so funny!!                     Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Trying to be better, never good enough.
« Reply #16 on: December 30, 2007, 01:00:25 PM »

Hopefully you are pressing your party dress and curling/straightening your hair in preparation for the big event. I"ll be thinking about you and saying prayers that you can pull this off (though we all know you can). Early Happy New year.


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Re: Trying to be better, never good enough.
« Reply #17 on: December 30, 2007, 07:10:47 PM »
Lighter, you don’t have to apologize, I was kidding, I missed you.
Alone, thank you for sharing. Hope that every thing turns out OK.
Ami, thank you for your kind words.
Hopalong, thank you for sharing our joy. Next time fizzy-Izzy and I get wacky, please, instead of observe, join us and get wacky the three together. How about wine, champaigne or whisky? Or we are just regular beer girls? Vodka? Or an exotic Caribean drink? We had bad husbands, we have one only child, we are alone. So much in common that is not even funny.

I had a nice lunch with my son. A few discussions, but we finished fine. He came alone. They were interchanging texts every five to ten minutes.  I am sick of it. They are behaving like 12 years old. I just insisted that he had to be responsible about not having kids to ruin his career. He agreed. He does not want to quit school to work full time to support a baby. He promised me to be responsible. So, I feel better.

Show time tomorrow. Let us see if I behave well, and not do like the person in the anecdote that I said at the beginning of this thread.


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Re: Trying to be better, never good enough.
« Reply #18 on: December 31, 2007, 08:02:05 AM »
Dear friends, I might not have the opportunity to test my skills. My son was called to a probable job for New Year's eve. That might be an escape for him, not to be among women fighting for him. The job has not been confirmed yet. But if it comes, it would be nice money for him and releive of a night of probable friction. I do not know.
He accused me of trying to control him. I only want him to graduate. Is that controling him? I just want him not to get pregnant, at least not before graduating, just one more year. Not before being financially responsible. Is that controlling?
 :x  :?


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Re: Trying to be better, never good enough.
« Reply #19 on: December 31, 2007, 09:56:39 AM »
It's awful..... all the unknows WHAT IF's?

What if he's not smart enough to handle birth control himself?

What if the girls WANTS to get pregnant?

What if she says she handled it but doesn't?

What if it doesn't cross his mind that he's responsible too IF he doesn't want children this year?

What if they both use it and they still get pregnant?

What if what if what if?

And that awful feeling of standing before a bad situation...... not wanting to say "told you so." 

But it might be hanging there soon,


even worse.....

Your son comes up to you and clutches at your arm.....

says you were right.....

every word you uttered, which he resented at the time, came true and now he's looking desperately in your eyes for more answers NOW that it's too late to change what fell on him.

You won't have any answers.  It will be done and nothing will undo it.

You're already adjusting and figuring out how to deal with the next phase of that reality..... you can't waste time on their regrets. 

Your job description just changed.... once again.

Now you must be positive and help them seek ways of coping and navigating through their current situation.... living with a child and unfinished school...... with limited funds and time and experience raising a child.

What WOULD happen if he got this girl pregnant?

::wishing you could insitgate your sons lengthy proximity to a newborn baby::  Nothing romantic about that...::shaking head::

Maybe, if you follow the logical conclusions to their most feared ends..... you'd fear them less?

It wouldn't be the end of the world.

You'd have a grandchild and your son would be forced to mature and take on the role of a man very quickly. 

What would you want for him then?

What could you do to help him acheive that?

How much time would you want to spend with your grandchild?

There are single mothers who work, raise children and go to school at the same time. 

Your son might not get much sleep but.... why would he have to give up his education?

Not everyone gives up their education.

BTW...... a friend of mine lost his scholorship and funding for school when he got married.  It was a kick in the teeth on top of the shock of finding sex leads to babies ::gulp::

I don't understand why people don't take sex more seriously...... they're weilding BABY MAKING APPARATUS for goodness sake!

OK... not helping, I realize that.

Alll you can do is give him information.

Saying things like.....

"I suppose that having a baby now wouldn't be the end of the world..... I'd get to hold my grandchild and you might find you don't need sleep or a break from caring for a child and working 3 jobs while attending school.... and if that failed.... settling for a job you don't prefer wouldn't kill you either.  I'm sure marriage to your GF would be worth that price.   At any rate, you're right, you're a man now and these are your decisions to make...... after all.... you'll be the one living with the consequences, not me."

Hug him with love, as you would if he ended up getting her pregnant..... and do your job.

Your job is taking care of you.  Not controlling him, he's right about that. 

He's a young man now and young people can be driven into doing things simply bc we oppose them.

If you truly let him feel he's on his own and that he's free to make big boy decisions.... he might be more careful about them. As long as he has the feeling you're controlling him, he won't get the full impact that the consequences are his to deal with, alone.

I remember feeling a version of that when I was protectively dating an abusive Army Ranger...... when I felt my family finally accepting him.... releasing their tight grip of fear on me..... I about fell over from the feeling of falling and being left to a fate I absolutely DID NOT WANT.  I got myself out and never thought about going back. 

Don't pick on the GF. 

You can do more good by accepting, ahead of time, those things that you fear.  Verbalize them to him as though you'd be OK but make sure he understands what that might look like. 

Shrug your shoulders and look absolutely NON judgemental.  "I guess you really love her.... maybe that's worth any price?"

He can then feel free to ponder the possible prices that could may very well land on his head.  Hopefully, he'll adjust his priorities and make responsible adult decisions. 


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Re: Trying to be better, never good enough.
« Reply #20 on: December 31, 2007, 10:19:09 AM »
Very good advice Lighter, though I know it's hard to take. It sounds like your son is a very responsible and intelligent young man, but when it comes to the matters of the heart that all goes out the window. Ultimately if the "worse" does happen, you will still want to be a part of it so GF will have all the control. The more she is alienated now, the harder it will be to get close when you need to. That is really a hard thing to do, but it's for you as much as your son.

I have a very good friend whose son married a girl she didn't like. They now have two children and my friend hasn't talked to her son in over three years. She has tried by calling, sending cards, and packages but absolutely no contact. She totally blames the girl, but I have told her your son has to except some of the blame of letting his mother go for no reason. She never said anything to the girl, the girl just knew she wasn't the one the mother wanted him with. I know this doesn't help, but you are still in the begining where you can possibly have a civil relationship with GF for the sake of your son. Not easy I know, but the consequences maybe so much worse. Good luck.

finding peace

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Re: Trying to be better, never good enough.
« Reply #21 on: January 01, 2008, 01:19:05 PM »
Hi Lupita,

Happy New Year!

Thinking of you.  Hope all went well last night!

- Life is a journey not a destination


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Re: Trying to be better, never good enough.
« Reply #22 on: January 01, 2008, 01:47:41 PM »
Me too, Lupita!
Happy New Year and how did it go?


PS--heard from my D and she's ecstatic. So thrilled the tropical weather and w/her apt. and eager for school to start. Her 2 blessed friends drove 18 hours with her and then helped her unload the truck and carry her belongings and furniture up two flights of stairs. Saints!
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Trying to be better, never good enough.
« Reply #23 on: January 01, 2008, 01:56:06 PM »
I am so happy for you Hoppy!


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Re: Trying to be better, never good enough.
« Reply #24 on: January 01, 2008, 02:28:22 PM »
Hops... so happy to hear that for you and D!

What did I miss?

You and D were having a spot of difficulty then I heard no more..... she was criticizing your advice and you were going to pull back... what happened between there and here?

((Hops and D))


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Re: Trying to be better, never good enough.
« Reply #25 on: January 01, 2008, 02:29:43 PM »
Hey Lighter, thanks!
I feel I'm sort of hijacking this thread which is mostly for Lup about her son, so I'll start one.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."