Hi all
I posted that she wrote me on Dec 2--cannot find post, but she wanted to know what I wanted for Xmas. She asked a few other questions. Remember I said cologne?
When there are questions in an email, I reply as soon as I can and I emailed back in a couple of days and also asked questions--like ideas forr Xmas gifts there.
No response. That's okay. I have a mindset on her now.
Then she Forwarded me a couple of thing and when she does that I take it that she is thinking of me and I haven't written, or some other reason.
Tonite, Jan 1, I receive another nice long email from her, about all her plans for the future and how their Xmas was, (and that she didn't get out to buy my --"what was it?") (Well I knew that, by now) that she has a book for me (another) and if I don't have the book of KC's adventure she will buy it for me.
I wonder if she reads my mail. I mentioned I had read it, that KC promised me an autographed copy, but I had to buy my own, knowing about N's promises.---BUT I didn't give her my review of it. Guess it maybe didn't sink in.
Put is this way, in her words---
Well here it is, New Year's Day, and I still haven't been shopping for your Christmas present, because I can't find the email that told me what was on your wish list. I still can't give up on the one book that I had in mind to buy you as well, because it's funny as hell. Did you tell me that you have a copy of the Obsession already? If not, let me buy it for you too.
That tells me that she is either very careless (??I doubt) or she is letting me know my emails are not really important, but I just Forwarded, to her, my last letter to her.
Anyway, I have to admit that I have an agenda with her: that is, to not bomard her with emails and forwards and write only if it is important, crucial, or if I'm replying to her.
Quite some time ago I posted that I had something to think whenever I think of her and that is 'She and I can exchange pleasant emails'. It works--that all I think--none of the crappy past unless I am telling it on this board. Her life was crap with the ex-N.
Any comments? but I haven't figured out if my agenda is also a game that she is controlling.
She loves her midwifery career, but is interested in a hypnotherapy course, wants to learn to weld, and has a book running around in her head-------Ha! I wonder if half my life is in there.