Author Topic: Attention Seeking  (Read 3092 times)


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Attention Seeking
« on: January 05, 2008, 10:01:27 AM »

Attention-seeking personality disorders, victim syndrome, insecurity and centre of attention behaviour

The need for attention | Attention seeking methods

Attention seeking and narcissism

Human beings are social creatures and need social interaction, feedback, and validation of their worth. The emotionally mature person doesn't need to go hunting for these; they gain it naturally from their daily life, especially from their work and from stable relationships. Daniel Goleman calls emotional maturity emotional intelligence, or EQ; he believes, and I agree, that EQ is a much better indicator of a person's character and value than intelligence quotient, or IQ.

The emotionally immature person, however, has low levels of self-esteem and self-confidence and consequently feels insecure; to counter these feelings of insecurity they will spend a large proportion of their lives creating situations in which they become the centre of attention. It may be that the need for attention is inversely proportional to emotional maturity, therefore anyone indulging in attention-seeking behaviours is telling you how emotionally immature they are.

Attention-seeking behaviour is surprisingly common. Being the centre of attention alleviates feelings of insecurity and inadequacy but the relief is temporary as the underlying problem remains unaddressed: low self-confidence and low self-esteem, and consequent low levels of self-worth and self-love.

Insecure and emotionally immature people often exhibit bullying behaviours, especially manipulation and deception. These are necessary in order to obtain attention which would not otherwise be forthcoming. Bullies and harassers have the emotional age of a young child and will exhibit temper tantrums, deceit, lying and manipulation to avoid exposure of their true nature and to evade accountability and sanction. This page lists some of the most common tactics bullies and manipulators employ to gain attention for themselves. An attention-seeker may exhibit several of the methods listed below.

Attention seeking methods

Attention-seeking is particularly noticeable with females so I've used the pronoun "she". Males also exhibit attention-seeking behaviour.

Attention seekers commonly exploit the suffering of others to gain attention for themselves. Or they may exploit their own suffering, or alleged suffering. In extreme forms, such as in Munchausen Syndrome By Proxy, the attention-seeker will deliberately cause suffering to others as a means of gaining attention.

The sufferer: this might include feigning or exaggerating illness, playing on an injury, or perhaps causing or inviting injury, in extreme cases going as far as losing a limb. Severe cases may meet the diagnostic criteria for Munchausen Syndrome (also know as Factitious Disorder). The illness or injury becomes a vehicle for gaining sympathy and thus attention. The attention-seeker excels in manipulating people through their emotions, especially that of guilt. It's very difficult not to feel sorry for someone who relates a plausible tale of suffering in a sob story or "poor me" drama.

The saviour: in attention-seeking personality disorders like Munchausen Syndrome By Proxy (MSBP, also known as Factitious Disorder By Proxy) the person, usually female, creates opportunities to be centre of attention by intentionally causing harm to others and then being their saviour, by saving their life, and by being such a caring, compassionate person. Few people realise the injury was deliberate. The MSBP mother or nurse may kill several babies before suspicions are aroused. When not in saviour mode, the saviour may be resentful, perhaps even contemptuous, of the person or persons she is saving.

The rescuer: particularly common in family situations, she's the one who will dash in and "rescue" people whenever the moment is opportune - to herself, that is. She then gains gratification from basking in the glory of her humanitarian actions. She will prey on any person suffering misfortune, infirmity, illness, injury, or anyone who has a vulnerability. The act of rescue and thus the opportunities for gaining attention can be enhanced if others are excluded from the act of rescue; this helps create a dependency relationship between the rescuer and rescued which can be exploited for further acts of rescue (and attention) later. When not in rescue mode, the rescuer may be resentful, perhaps even contemptuous, of the person she is rescuing.

The organiser: she may present herself as the one in charge, the one organising everything, the one who is reliable and dependable, the one people can always turn to. However, the objective is not to help people (this is only a means to an end) but to always be the centre of attention.

The manipulator: she may exploit family relationships, manipulating others with guilt and distorting perceptions; although she may not harm people physically, she causes everyone to suffer emotional injury. Vulnerable family members are favourite targets. A common attention-seeking ploy is to claim she is being persecuted, victimised, excluded, isolated or ignored by another family member or group, perhaps insisting she is the target of a campaign of exclusion or harassment.

The mind-poisoner: adept at poisoning peoples' minds by manipulating their perceptions of others, especially against the current target.

The drama queen: every incident or opportunity, no matter how insignificant, is exploited, exaggerated and if necessary distorted to become an event of dramatic proportions. Everything is elevated to crisis proportions. Histrionics may be present where the person feels she is not the centre of attention but should be. Inappropriate flirtatious behaviour may also be present.

The busy bee: this individual is the busiest person in the world if her constant retelling of her life is to be believed. Everyday events which are regarded as normal by normal people take on epic proportions as everyone is invited to simultaneously admire and commiserate with this oh-so-busy person who never has a moment to herself, never has time to sit down, etc. She's never too busy, though, to tell you how busy she is.

The feigner: when called to account and outwitted, the person instinctively uses the denial - counterattack - feigning victimhood strategy to manipulate everyone present, especially bystanders and those in authority. The most effective method of feigning victimhood is to burst into tears, for most people's instinct is to feel sorry for them, to put their arm round them or offer them a tissue. There's little more plausible than real tears, although as actresses know, it's possible to turn these on at will. Feigners are adept at using crocodile tears. From years of practice, attention-seekers often give an Oscar-winning performance in this respect. Feigning victimhood is a favourite tactic of bullies and harassers to evade accountability and sanction. When accused of bullying and harassment, the person immediately turns on the water works and claims they are the one being bullied or harassed - even though there's been no prior mention of being bullied or harassed. It's the fact that this claim appears only after and in response to having been called to account that is revealing. Mature adults do not burst into tears when held accountable for their actions.

The false confessor: this person confesses to crimes they haven't committed in order to gain attention from the police and the media. In some cases people have confessed to being serial killers, even though they cannot provide any substantive evidence of their crimes. Often they will confess to crimes which have just been reported in the media. Some individuals are know to the police as serial confessors. The false confessor is different from a person who make a false confession and admits to a crime of which they are accused because of emotional pressure and inappropriate interrogation tactics.

The abused: a person claims they are the victim of abuse, sexual abuse, rape etc as a way of gaining attention for themselves. Crimes like abuse and rape are difficult to prove at the best of times and their incidence is so common that it is easy to make a plausible claim as a way of gaining attention.

The online victim: this person uses Internet chat rooms and forums to allege that they've been the victim of rape, violence, harassment, abuse etc. The alleged crime is never reported to the authorities, for obvious reasons. The facelessness and anonymity of the Internet suits this type of attention seeker. [More]

The victim: she may intentionally create acts of harassment against herself, eg send herself hate mail or damage her own possessions in an attempt to incriminate a fellow employee, a family member, neighbour, etc. Scheming, cunning, devious, deceptive and manipulative, she will identify her "harasser" and produce circumstantial evidence in support of her claim. She will revel in the attention she gains and use her glib charm to plausibly dismiss any suggestion that she herself may be responsible. However, a background check may reveal that this is not the first time she has had this happen to her.

In many cases the attention-seeker is a serial bully whose behaviour contains many of the characteristics listed under the profile of a serial bully, especially the Attention-Seeker. The page on Narcissistic Personality Disorder may also be enlightening, as may be the page on bullies in the family.

Feigning victimhood is common to serial bullies and this aspect comes to the fore in most cases once the bully has been held accountable and he or she cannot escape or rely on their support network. The tactic of denial followed by immediate counterattack followed by feigning victimhood is described on the serial bully page.

Attention seeking and narcissism

Like most personality disorders, narcissism occurs to different degrees in different people and reveals itself in many ways. Many business leaders exhibit narcissism, although when present in excess, the short-term benefits are outweighed by long-term unsustainability which can, and often does, lead to disaster.

The need for attention is paramount to the person with narcissistic personality disorder, and he or she will do anything to obtain that attention.

Jun 2006 voiceless seeking

April 2008 - "The Gaslight Effect" How to Spot & Survive by Dr. Robin Stern - freedom of understanding!

The Truth About Abuse VIDEO


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Re: Attention Seeking
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2008, 11:11:10 AM »
Good post.  I'll comment on myself in light of two of these things:

The rescuer:

particularly common in family situations, she's the one who will dash in and "rescue" people whenever the moment is opportune - to herself, that is.

No, i've done this especially when it was NOT opportune, because I care about people.

She then gains gratification from basking in the glory of her humanitarian actions.

Most people feel good when they help others, but no I don't bask in glory from it.  I just rejoice with the person that God and I have helped, because they are able to live life to the fullest.

She will prey on any person suffering misfortune, infirmity, illness, injury, or anyone who has a vulnerability.

no.  I do not prey on people.  Personally, many times I'd prefer not to get involved, but my heart takes over.

The act of rescue and thus the opportunities for gaining attention can be enhanced if others are excluded from the act of rescue; this helps create a dependency relationship between the rescuer and rescued which can be exploited for further acts of rescue (and attention) later.

Other than my children, it bothers me to have someone be extremely dependent on me, just because they are not able to mature and stay on their own in a healthy way.  That's not what I'm destined to do...becoming glued to another person because it's easier for them to let me make decisions than to learn to grow up and make their own.

When not in rescue mode, the rescuer may be resentful, perhaps even contemptuous, of the person she is rescuing.

well, sometimes I have grown weary of a person I've tried to help, who is stubborn, refuses to take action and move on away from me and my help.  Yes, I will admit this one.  There comes a time when a human being needs to live life as a healthy, well-balanced individual, in spite of his/her issues, and not keep reacting from them nor clinging to me or anyone else as their sole answer.

The organiser: she may present herself as the one in charge, the one organising everything, the one who is reliable and dependable, the one people can always turn to.

Well, sometimes there has to be one "cool head" in the group who can see objectively, yes.  I'm not terribly organized but I tend to be rather dependable, in the sense that, if i say i'll do something, it will and does get done.

However, the objective is not to help people (this is only a means to an end) but to always be the centre of attention.

Nope.  My objective is to help people or else i don't bother to get involved. My life stopped being about ME when I accepted the Lord.

Thanks again for the interesting post!


Certain Hope

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Re: Attention Seeking
« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2008, 09:31:37 PM »
Dear Leah,

I think that your original post here would be an excellent one to put onto the What Helps Board for future reference.

Also, I visited the link you provided and clicked "More" under "The Online Victim" category and here's what it said:

The internet may be encouraging people to pretend they are ill in order to get attention, according to US research.
A study by the University of Alabama suggests that the web could be providing an alternative medium for people with Munchausen syndrome.

This is a condition where a person makes up false claims of personal illness or crisis to get the attention of others.

Dr Marc Feldman, from the University of Alabama, found 21 cases where individuals sought such attention through internet chat rooms.

These included claims of rape, assault and abuse.

In one case, an individual claimed to be on the brink of death and a supposed family member later posted a message, claiming their relative had died.

Individuals sometimes go online to deliberately provide misinformation about their own medical and personal histories
Dr Marc Feldman, University of Alabama 
Writing in the Southern Medical Journal, Dr Feldman said: "The internet offers unlimited opportunities for patients - even those with rare diseases - to find like-minded and caring communities 24 hours a day."

He added: "However, these case reports illustrate that individuals sometimes go online to deliberately provide misinformation about their own medical and personal histories and that they may do so because it is inherently gratifying."

Speaking to BBC News Online, Dr Feldman said false claims were causing distress.

"It has been an extraordinary problem for people who have been victimised in this way."

He said false stories only become apparent over time.

'Emerging inconsistencies'

"Often the recognition that something has been invented emerges only gradually if, for instance, claims of illness become increasingly dramatic over time or if inconsistencies emerge or if the frequency and duration of posts is inconsistent with the illness."

Dr Feldman said people with Munchausen syndrome had "a strong and even desperate urge" to get attention and sympathy in any way possible.

But he said treatment had worked for some people.

"There are some cases where people do extremely well.

"What we offer these patients through therapy is a chance to get that attention from medical professionals in a psychiatric setting.

"However, most patients do not want this. They want to have a serious medical ailment and not a psychiatric illness."

Thank you for all of this helpful info, Leah.

With love,


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Re: Attention Seeking
« Reply #3 on: January 05, 2008, 09:57:35 PM »

Dear Carolyn,

Thank you, you are most kind.

I did wonder about putting it onto the 'what helps' and this I will do.

Tim Field's website was the first site I ever found and the work that he put into the site
and his touring around to raise awareness, was awesome.

Sadly, he is no longer with us on this mortal coil.

Well, I am up too late, working again, not good, so after I post this topic onto the 'what helps' it's off up the wooden hill for me.

Have a blessed Sunday with the one who loves us best.

Love to you and yours,

Jun 2006 voiceless seeking

April 2008 - "The Gaslight Effect" How to Spot & Survive by Dr. Robin Stern - freedom of understanding!

The Truth About Abuse VIDEO

Certain Hope

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Re: Attention Seeking
« Reply #4 on: January 05, 2008, 10:10:16 PM »
Thank you, Leah... for the blessings... and I hope you will have a good snooze.

I didn't know that Tim Fields had passed away... his site has helped me alot over the years, too; only wish I could retain more of it in memory than I have.

God bless and keep you and continue to fill you with His peace in Christ Jesus, sister.

With love,


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Re: Attention Seeking
« Reply #5 on: January 05, 2008, 10:24:54 PM »
Thank you, Leah... for the blessings... and I hope you will have a good snooze.

I didn't know that Tim Fields had passed away... his site has helped me alot over the years, too; only wish I could retain more of it in memory than I have.

God bless and keep you and continue to fill you with His peace in Christ Jesus, sister.

With love,

Dear Carolyn,

Your words mean more to me than you will ever know, dear sister.

My love for my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is all I have to live for, for he is the only truth we have.

And that's the truth of it.

God Bless you, and may you be filled to overflowing so as to pour out upon others hearts and lives.

Love to you,

Jun 2006 voiceless seeking

April 2008 - "The Gaslight Effect" How to Spot & Survive by Dr. Robin Stern - freedom of understanding!

The Truth About Abuse VIDEO