For those who were in or are in relationships with friends, co-workers, teachers, church pals, etc, that you would say you did NOT choose, this thread will be for us. Others can post too, but realize that that the direction and intent I'm going with this, is for those UNINTENTIONAL relationships that you chose and that turned out to be Narcissistic or at least dysfunctional.
I am going to try and post as ME, the way I see things, on this individual thread, and leave the other threads to those who were raised by families of N's, had family members who were/are N's, etc. The NON-CHOOSERS of N's that were born into it by no fault of their own.
So, please, let me know who here would be interested in posting here because you once chose someone that turned out to be an N, rather than having been brought up by them or born to them.