No, this isn't about anything going on on the board, so defenses's about bio mother.
I talked to her on the phone last night, and was telling her about how my daughters and I cleaned out the cupboards and painted them and caulked them to seal up the holes where roaches were getting in.
Her comment "ohhhhh ewww, disGUSTING! I could could you LIVE like that...I could NEVER live like that, NO NO." I said, "well, I live in an area of the Midwest where it's almost impossible to not have them. We have exterminated, treated, repeatedly and it does no good. They are gone for a while and then they come back."
Her reply: "your sister lives in the Midwest too, and she never has them."
me: "Well, it's the AREA I live in, not all the Midwest and i guess it's just something you learn to get used to although we keep trying to get rid of them in various ways."
Her reply: "ugh, no no. I couldn't do it. That's just disgusting, ewww"
This morning I realized something...a lot of the fights I've had with my family/husband, were due to my taking on my mother's feelings/sentiments about MY life. So, I asked myself today "whose LIE is it anyway?"
By LIE I mean, the things she gets MAJORLY PARANOID about and next, I find myself JUMPIN all over my family because SHE was paranoid about things. It's a LIE because I don't actually FEEL like she does. It's also a PROJECTION on her part, onto ME.
No more. It's HER lie, not mine.
The truth is, most of the things that bug her, do NOT bug me one iota, UNTIL I TALK TO HER. It's not a need for N/C again, but definitely a need for dignified DETATCHMENT from taking on her emotions and strong attitudes about my life.