Very interesting thread. I am making a response similiar to one I made on another thread but I would like to say it again. I believe, and of course I may wrong, but I think finding voice is about hearing ONES OWN VOICE. I see a significant shift in my voice in the past year. I could always use my voice, I have always been a "wordy" kind of person, never short of an opinion and usually comfortable enough to add my 2 cents worth BUT what I had not figured out was that I was using my voice to get a response from the external world and was totally deaf to my own voice. I was shouting at XN "I DO NOT WANT TO BE ABUSED" and yet I was staying with him when I knew the only way he can relate to anyone, and I mean anyone, is in an abusive manner. I was shouting my words at him and I was not listening to myself. The day I left him I heard my words for the first time and once I heard them I knew I could not stay with him. In some ways it was so easy. I also acknowledge the terrible pain I have felt during and after I have left him but when I heard myself KNOWING I did not want to be abused any longer - there was no decision, I ended the relationship.
What I am saying is that I have learned from here and myself that I need to listen to ME. I have always used my voice to defend me from the outside world but if I hear myself my need to defend becomes less because something happens. I had an experience like this recently and I think it was through stillness and meditation that this came to me. I have always drank, not excessively normally but on occasion....... anyway there is a lot of alcohol in my culture. I woke one morning in November and the world "I don't want to drink anymore" came out of my mouth. Now I did get a bit of a start because I had no awareness about my desire to not drink. Anyway, since that day I have not tasted a sip of wine. It was interesting over Christmas because I thought it might be difficult but not at all. I don't want to drink. I think my inner voice spoke these words to me...........they did not come from my head and it has been so weird and so easy and so strange. I really cannot explain it but I think it has something to do with me being still enough to hear what it is I want and need.
With regard to change. I was sitting with some people recently and they were discussing a tv programme - very pleasant and it struck me that two of the people took over the conversation, just ranted on, some others tried to join in but it really was not possible without telling the other two to shut up. What they were saying was interesting, I felt no need to add anything but I observed some others wanted to get in and felt pushed back. Well, for me this was interesting. There was a time when I would have been one of the talkers, words, words, words, and now I find myself much more of an observer. It does feel like a different place for me. The paradox seems to be that now that I have found my voice I don't need to use it so much.
Much love,